本文介绍了如何在Inno Setup中使用FreeArc来高度压缩应用程序数据?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


需要使我的应用程序尽可能小,至少是原始大小的一半. FreeArc提供了很好的压缩功能,但是如何在Inno Setup中使用它.

Need to make my application as small as possible, at least half the original size. FreeArc offers a great compression but how can I make its use in Inno Setup.


此答案已被 Inno设置-如何使用要将取消按钮添加到解压缩页面?,它使用unarc.dll而不是驱动控制台Arc.exe.

This answer has been superseded by Inno Setup - How to add cancel button to decompressing page? that uses unarc.dll instead of driving the console Arc.exe.


For a complete code that uses the solution outlined below (using console Arc.exe), see How to add .arc decompression to Inno Setup?


在Inno Setup中使用外部压缩实用程序的通用方法:

A generic way to use external compression utility with Inno Setup:

  • 首先使用FreeArc压缩文件
  • 使用压缩文件编译Inno Setup安装程序
  • 将FreeArc嵌入到安装程序中
  • 使安装程序将压缩文件和FreeArc提取到一个临时位置,然后使用FreeArc提取压缩文件

FreeArc具有(专用)用于Inno设置,FreeArc + Inno设置的专用工具,但是其站点位于atm下方.

FreeArc has (had) dedicated tool for use with Inno Setup, FreeArc+Inno Setup, but its site is down atm.

尽管您尝试使用 Compression指令使用更好的压缩方法>?

Though did you try using a better compression method using Compression directive?


如何使用Inno Setup创建可提取.rar存档内容的安装程序?

For a full example using RAR see:
How to create an installer using Inno Setup which extracts the contents of a .rar archive?

这篇关于如何在Inno Setup中使用FreeArc来高度压缩应用程序数据?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-19 19:54