本文介绍了摩托罗拉XOOM平板电脑的Andr​​oid Market应用显示不出来的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



We have an android application, manifest of which sets the following configurations:

minsdkVersion = "4"

                  android:anyDensity="false" />

不过,与摩托罗拉XOOM设备用户浏览Android Market的他并没有显示我们的应用程序。

However, when a user with Motorola XOOM device browses Android Market he is not displayed our application.



我有同样的问题。随着包括机器人:xlargeScreens =真正的我发现这是修复

I had the same issue. Along with including android:xlargeScreens="true" I found this to be the fix.

在Android Market的对待,就好像要求像CALL_PHONE权限还要求:

&LT;使用特征  机器人:名称=android.hardware.telephony  /&GT;

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.telephony" />

的XOOM没有电话 -  第一款Android市场兼容  设备与限制。虽然  可以有一个数据计划,它没有发言权  或SMS能力,所以它是  视为不具有  android.hardware.telephony。但是如果  您请求喜欢权限  CALL_PHONE,在Android市场被  默认情况下会认为你需要  android.hardware.telephony。作为一个  因此,你将被过滤掉了  市场对XOOM。

The XOOM does not have telephony — the first Android Market-compliant device with that limitation. While it can have a data plan, it has no voice or SMS capability, and so it is treated as not having android.hardware.telephony. But, if you request permissions like CALL_PHONE, the Android Market by default will assume you need android.hardware.telephony. As a result, you will be filtered out of the Market for the XOOM.

解决的办法很简单:任何  硬件功能,可能是  通过权限暗含但你这样做  不是绝对需要,手动添加  适当的元素  你的清单与  机器人:要求=假:

The solution is simple: for any hardware features that might be implied by permissions but that you do not absolutely need, manually add the appropriate element to your manifest with android:required="false":

&LT;使用特征  机器人:名称=android.hardware.telephony        机器人:要求=FALSE/&GT;

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.telephony" android:required="false" />

从这个博客:的CommonsBlog - XOOM,权限和Android市场

这篇关于摩托罗拉XOOM平板电脑的Andr​​oid Market应用显示不出来的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 14:29