


  // app.js
$ stateProvider.state('指数',{
                    $ injector.invoke(模块,为此,{'$范围:$范围});
        $ scope.message =它的工作原理;
< H3>顶部菜单和LT; / H3 GT&;
< D​​IV NG控制器=TopMenuCtrl>
< / DIV>



让我们这样的 index.html的的:

  < HEAD>
    <标题>我懒< /标题>
  < /头>  <机身NG-应用=应用程序>      < A HREF =#/家>#/家< / A> //我们有三种状态 - 家更是不可以偷懒
      &所述; A HREF =#/>#/&下; / A> - 指数//索引很懒,有两种观点
      < A HREF =#/其他>#/其它< / A> //'其他'是懒惰的未命名视图    < D​​IV数据的用户界面视图=顶部菜单>< / DIV>
    < D​​IV数据的用户界面视图=>< / DIV>    &所述; SCRIPT SRC =angular.js>&下; /脚本> //标准角
    <脚本SRC =角-UI-router.js>< / SCRIPT> //和UI路由器scritps    &所述; SCRIPT SRC =的script.js>&下; /脚本> //我们的应用程序    <脚本数据主要=main.js//懒惰依赖
        SRC =require.js>&下; /脚本>  < /身体GT;
< / HTML>

让我们来观察 main.js - 在RequireJS配置:

  require.config({    //的baseUrl:JS /脚本
    的baseUrl:,    //别名库的路径
    路径:{        //这里我们定义路径名字
        //使控制器和他们的懒惰的文件名独立        TopMenuCtrl:Controller_TopMenu,
    },    DEPS:['应用']

事实上,我们只为我们的 ControllerNames 别名(路径) - 和他们的 Controller_Scripts.js 文件。而已。的此外,我们返回到需要的应用程序,但是我们将在以后的情况下使用不同的功能 - 注册延迟加载控制器

什么是的 DEPS:['应用'] 是什么意思?首先,我们需要提供文件的 app.js (以下简称程序是指找到 app.js

 定义([],函数(){  VAR应用= angular.module(应用);



我们将如何负载控制器懒洋洋地?这里已经被证明为 ngRoute

We will ask angular for a reference to $controllerProvider - and use it later, to register controllers.

This is the first part of our script.js:

// I. the application
var app = angular.module('app', [

// II. cached $controllerProvider
var app_cached_providers = {};

  function(controllerProvider) {
    app_cached_providers.$controllerProvider = controllerProvider;

As we can see, we just created the application 'app' and also, created holder app_cached_providers (following the angularAMD style). In the config phase, we ask angular for $controllerProvider and keep reference for it.

Now let's continue in script.js:

// III. inline dependency expression
app.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider',
  function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {


      .state("home", {
        url: "/home",
        template: "<div>this is home - not lazily loaded</div>"

      .state("other", {
        url: "/other",
        template: "<div>The message from ctrl: {{message}}</div>",
        controller: "OtherCtrl",
        resolve: {
          loadOtherCtrl: ["$q", function($q) {
            var deferred = $q.defer();
            require(["OtherCtrl"], function() { deferred.resolve(); });
            return deferred.promise;


This part above shows two states declaration. One of them - 'home' is standard none lazy one. It's controller is implicit, but standard could be used.

The second is state named "other" which does target unnamed view ui-view="". And here we can firstly see, the lazy load. Inside of the resolve (see:)


With that in our suite, we know, that the controller (by its name) will be searched in angular repository once the resolve is finished:

// this controller name will be searched - only once the resolve is finished
controller: "OtherCtrl",
// let's ask RequireJS
resolve: {
  loadOtherCtrl: ["$q", function($q) {
    // wee need $q to wait
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    // and make it resolved once require will load the file
    require(["OtherCtrl"], function() { deferred.resolve(); });
    return deferred.promise;

Good, now, as mentioned above, the main contains this alias def

// alias libraries paths
paths: {
    "OtherCtrl"  : "Controller_Other",

And that means, that the file "Controller_Other.js" will be searched and loaded. This is its content which does the magic. The most important here is use of previously cached reference to $controllerProvider

// content of the "Controller_Other.js"

define(['app'], function (app) {
    // the Default Controller
    // is added into the 'app' module
    // lazily, and only once
      .register('OtherCtrl', function ($scope) {
        $scope.message = "OtherCtrl";

the trick is not to use app.controller() but


Finally there is another state definition, with more narrowed resolve... a try to make it more readable:

// IV ... build the object with helper functions
//        then assign to state provider
var loadController = function(controllerName) {
  return ["$q", function($q) {
      var deferred = $q.defer();
      require([controllerName], function() {deferred.resolve(); });
      return deferred.promise;

app.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider',
  function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

    var index = {
        url: "/",
        views: {
          "topMenu": {
            template: "<div>The message from ctrl: {{message}}</div>",
            controller: "TopMenuCtrl",
          "": {
            template: "<div>The message from ctrl: {{message}}</div>",
            controller: "ContentCtrl",
        resolve : { },
    index.resolve.loadTopMenuCtrl = loadController("TopMenuCtrl");
    index.resolve.loadContentCtrl = loadController("ContentCtrl");

      .state("index", index);

Above we can see, that we resolve two controllers for both/all named views of that state

That's it. Each controller defined here

paths: {
    "TopMenuCtrl": "Controller_TopMenu",
    "ContentCtrl": "Controller_Content",
    "OtherCtrl"  : "Controller_Other",

will be loaded via resolve and $controllerProvider - via RequireJS - lazily. Check that all here

Similar Q & A: AngularAMD + ui-router + dynamic controller name?


08-26 01:09