I am trying to create a service hook in TFS.
我遵循了这个文件 https://www.visualstudio.com/get-started/integrate/integrating -with-service-hooks-vs设置权限。
I followed this document https://www.visualstudio.com/get-started/integrate/integrating-with-service-hooks-vs to set up the permissions.
文档说"编辑订阅 查看订阅"创建服务挂钩所需的
The document says "Edit subscriptions and View subscriptions"required to create Service Hooks.
默认情况下,只有项目管理员具有这些权限。要直接授予其他用户,请使用 tfssecurity.exe 来自
命令行。 - >我已经是团队项目的管理员,但我仍然得到"您没有足够的权限来查看或配置订阅"
By default, only project administrators have these permissions. To grant them to other users directly, use tfssecurity.exe from the command line. -> I am already admin for the team project but still I am getting "You do not have sufficient permissions to view or configure subscriptions"
所以我的TFS管理员可以访问编辑订阅和查看订阅使用tfssecurity。但我仍然没有权限创建Service Hooks。我在这里缺少什么?我是否需要任何其他权限才能创建服务挂钩?
So my TFS admin has given access to Edit Subscriptions and View Subscriptions using tfssecurity. But I still I do not have permissions to create Service Hooks. What I am missing here? Do I need any additional permissions to create a service hook?
我们的环境:TFS 2015 Update 1
Our Environment: TFS 2015 Update 1
服务挂钩使您可以在Visual Studio Online项目中发生事件时对其他服务执行任务到这个链接。您正在使用本地TFS,因此它现在不支持。此链接中的命令也适用于VSTS:
By the way, although TFS can't trigger aservice hook now, it do support to create Subscriptions for TFS admin.