本文介绍了ExtJS 4 - 网格 - 禁用特定列的行选择的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我用 extjs 4 创建了一个网格. selection.CheckboxModel 被实现为.这意味着无论您在何处单击特定行,都会选择/取消选择该行.现在我想在最后一列禁用此选择,因为它包含自定义按钮.(如果单击按钮,我不想选择该行).

I have created a grid with extjs 4. The selection.CheckboxModel is implemented to. This means that the row is selected/deselected wherever you click on the particular row. Now i want to disable this selection on the last column since it contains custom buttons. (I don't want to select the row if a button is clicked).


Any idea's how to do this?



这实际上是一个棘手的小问题,如果只是因为缺少 Sencha 文档.

This is actually a tricky little problem, if only because Sencha documentation is lacking.

CheckboxModel 确实有一个从 Ext.selection.RowModel 继承的 beforeselect 事件.但是,获取列索引并不容易,因为坦率地说,这就是 RowModel 的重点.

The CheckboxModel does indeed have a beforeselect event inherited from Ext.selection.RowModel. However, there's no easy way to get the column index because frankly, that's the point of the RowModel.

然而,在 Ext.view.Table(您的网格将继承)中有一个未记录的事件,称为 beforecellmousedown.这是事件参数:

However, there's an undocumented event in Ext.view.Table (which your grid will inherit) called beforecellmousedown. Here's the event parameters:

  1. view:网格视图
  2. cell:被点击的单元格
  3. cellIndex:单元格索引
  4. record:与单元格关联的商店记录
  5. row:单元格所在的行
  6. rowIndex:行的索引
  7. eOpts:标准事件选项事件


So you would probably try something like this:

viewConfig: {
    listeners: {
        beforecellmousedown: function(view, cell, cellIdx, record, row, rowIdx, eOpts){
            if(cellIdx === indexOfLastColumnInGrid){
                return false;


Both the cell and row indexes are zero-based.

这篇关于ExtJS 4 - 网格 - 禁用特定列的行选择的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 16:42