I have a table that have information about different types of events that can be done by persons in two categories civil and worker
so for each one of them I have their respective tables
civil{ civil_id, name, age,telephone...} the primary key is civil_id
worker{ worker_id, name, duty, department...} the primary key is worker_id
then the event table has a list of all possible events
event {type_of_event} the primary key is type_of_event
then I am planing to store information in other table
使用 eventype,表示完成工作的人(工人或公民)
with eventype, the person that did the job (worker or civil)
id event_type date person
1 type1 12-12-12 x
2 type1 05-12-10 y
3 type2 02-12-12 y
现在在这个设计中,我不知道如何关联谁做了这项工作,如果我只有一种人(又名民事),我只会在最后一张表中的 person 字段中存储 Civil_id....但是怎么知道是民用的还是工人的,还需要其他中间表吗?
Now in this design I do not know how to relate whose person did the job if, I would had only a kind of person (aka civil) i would only store the civil_id in person field in this last table....but how to know if it was civil or worker, do I need other intermediate table?
,因为你有多个父级.为了进行快速搜索或避免 full table scan
在表 event
的列 person
上定义索引并使用 加入表左连接
In this can, you cannot set up a foreign key
because you have multiple parent. In order to do fast search or to avoid full table scan
define an index on column person
on table event
and join the table using LEFT JOIN
. eg,
SELECT ....,
COALESCE(b.name, c.name) AS personname
FROM event a
LEFT JOIN civil b
ON a.person = b.civil_id
LEFT JOIN worker c
ON a.person = c.worker_ID
ALTER TABLE event ADD INDEX (person)
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