本文介绍了如果三列在 Excel 中匹配,则返回一个值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有两个 Excel 工作表,我需要匹配三个值才能返回第四个值.类似的列是月份、代理和子域.第四列称为差异.

I have two excel sheets where I need to match three values to return a fourth. The similar columns are month, agent, and subdomain. The fourth column is called difference.


根据@MakeCents 的建议,Concatenate 会起作用,但如果您不想要辅助列,SUMPRODUCT 会起作用.

Concatenate would work, as per @MakeCents suggestion, but if you don't want a helper column, SUMPRODUCT would work.



将搜索范围 A2:A12 为d",B2:B12 为S",C2:C12 为Apr",并返回 D2:D12 中对应于所有 3 项都为真的值.如果多行匹配,它将为所有匹配的行添加 D2:D12 中的值.

would search range A2:A12 for "d", B2:B12 for "S" and C2:C12 for "Apr", and return the value fom D2:D12 that corresponds to where all 3 are true. If multiple lines match, it will add the value in D2:D12 for all matching rows.

-- 用于将 True/False 结果变为 0 和 1 以供乘法使用

The -- is used to change the True/False results into 0 and 1 for use in multiplication


  • 建议明确指定范围;只是会变慢列引用
    (A1:A4000 可以,A:A 不行)
  • 如果任何的值是错误的,它会返回一个错误
  • 它只会返回数字结果 - 文本被评估为零

这篇关于如果三列在 Excel 中匹配,则返回一个值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 23:08