<$p$p><$c$c>YToyOntzOjIwOiJUeXBlX29mX29yZ2FuaXNhdGlvbiI7czoyMDoiTWVtYmVyIG9mIFBhcmxpYW1lbnQiO3M6ODoiUG9zdGNvZGUiO3M6NzoiUEUxIDFKQSI7fQ==可能存储?另外,我似乎能够写出这些值到数据库的唯一方法是使用 BLOB
校勘唯一有差别,如果你需要 ORDER BY
或搜索栏。这些连接的base64 codeD项目可能不会被搜索或排序。
如果您的EN codeD项目保证在长度小于64K字节,这样定义的列:
这正是需要些什么了一个base64 EN codeD变量;编码过程中一切都变成可显示的ASCII。
如果该项目将在长度小于16兆,但有些会比64K长,使用 MEDIUMTEXT
I have a value I'd like to store in my DB, does the Collation make any difference how a string like this
Might be stored? Also, the only way I seem to be able to write these values to the DB is by using a BLOB
this seems to be a really rather wrong way of storing it.
The collation only makes a difference if you need to ORDER BY
or search the column. These base64 encoded items are probably not going to be searched or sorted.
If your encoded items are guaranteed to be less than 64K bytes in length, define your column like this:
`columnname` TEXT CHARACTER SET ascii,
This is exactly what's needed for a base64 encoded variable; the encoding process turns everything into displayable ASCII.
If the items will be less than 16 megabytes in length, but some will be longer than 64k, use MEDIUMTEXT
instead of TEXT