In linux terminal, when the output of one command is too long to read in one page, i can do this:
cat file | less
这样我就可以读取并向上和向下滚动cat file的输出
so that i can read and scroll up and down the output from "cat file"
how can i do this in ipython ?
for example:i tried this and it didnt work:
whos | less
我原来的问题是,通过Shift +页面来看,whos的输出太多了我不想改变滚动缓冲区
my original problem is that the output from whos is too much to be seen by doing Shift+page up and i dont want to change the scroll buffer
在IPython中,您可以使用%page obj
使用标准寻呼机显示对象 obj
In IPython, you can use %page obj
to show the object obj
using your standard pager (usually less
). Alternatively, you can increase the scroll buffer of your terminal, which might be convenient in any case.
%page obj
- 显示对象类似于IPython默认显示(类似repr),如果输出大小需要使用寻呼机
%page obj
-- display object similar to IPython default display (repr-like), using pager if output size requires
%page -r obj
- 显示与打印类似的对象,如果尺寸需要,使用寻呼机
%page -r obj
-- display object similar to print, using pager if size requires
can only take a plain name or attribute reference. It cannot evaluate an arbitrary expression, but you can use a temporary variable to work around this limitationL
tmp = ex * pr + ess - ion
%page tmp