Using latest fullcalendar.io, the number of weeks that are displayed in month view is appropriate for the first month that renders. When using the prev/next buttons, if the next/prev month has less weeks than the current month, it still renders the current month's number of weeks.
现在是2015年5月.该站点上的演示位于: http://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-2.3.1/demos/gcal.html
Right now it's May 2015. The demo on the site is here: http://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-2.3.1/demos/gcal.html
May 2015 renders with 6 weeks, because that's how many are needed. When I click next to go to June 2015, 6 weeks are still rendered in month view, even though only 5 weeks are needed.
Question: how can the number of weeks that gets rendered adjust to the actual number of weeks that a given month has? This means that May 2015 would have 6 weeks, but the table would reduce to 5 weeks for June 2015.
这在尝试打印月历时很重要.现在是五月,但是有人可能要单击下一步"并打印即将到来的六月. 6月的日历应该只有5周,但是自从5月进入6月以来,我只能将其显示为6.
This is important when trying to print a monthly calendar. It's May right now, but someone might want to click next and print June, which is coming up. The June calendar should only have 5 weeks, but I can only make it display with 6, since I entered June from May.
Thanks for only tips on this.ryan
您在寻找 fixedWeekCount
Your looking for the fixedWeekCount
option. From the documentation, you can see that:
So, if you want to display the correct number of weeks per selected month, you should set that option to false when fullCalendar is initialized:
fixedWeekCount: false
请查看此jsfiddle ,以了解有效的演示.
Take a look at this jsfiddle for a working demo.