我很感激帮助调试网页。该页面在FF4和Chrome10中显示OK,但在IE9中不显示。奇怪的是,表的布局似乎取决于< / td>之间的空白行数。和< td>。从理论上讲,块元素之间的空格是多少是多少,对吧?但是当删除空行时,表格显示会发生变化。
I'd appreciate help debugging a web page. The page displays OK in FF4 and Chrome10, but not in IE9. Strangely, the layout of a table seems to depend on the number of whitespace lines between </td> and <td>. In theory, it ought not matter how much whitespace is between block elements, right? But the table display changes when blank lines are removed.
当文件的其他方面也发生变化时,显示会发生变化。我怀疑格式错误的HTML(这是一个旧的和奇怪的页面),但它通过我尝试过的所有验证器(它在FF / Chrome和IE的上一版本中正确显示)。在任何情况下,为什么在块之间删除
The display changes when other aspects of the file change too. I suspect malformed HTML (it's an old and odd page), but it passes all validators I've tried (and it displays correctly in FF/Chrome and prev versions of IE). In any case, why would removing blank lines between blocks affect things?
It's as if IE9's internal data structures are getting messed up.
If this intrigues you, have a look at http://www.ncf.ca/ncf/support/ie9_issue for more info about the problem, and the page's HTML.
This was run on Win7 using IE9, FF4, Chrome10, all believed to be up to date.
In IE9 I would see something like this (where an 'X' represents a table cell):
XX XXXXXX  ;&NBSP;&NBSP; < - 缺少单元格3中的单元格,行末的额外单元格
XX XXXXXX <-- missing cell in spot 3, extra cell at end of row
XXXXX XXX < - 缺少单元格6中的单元格,行末的额外单元格
XXXXX XXX <-- missing cell in spot 6, extra cell at end of row
The location of the missing cell seemed to be randomly generated by IE9.
Once I took out some carriage returns and spaces out of much of the generated table html, IE9 began to behave somewhat better, but the problem didn't go away completely (it would just show up with less frequency).
Anyway, my particular problem was completely resolved when I declared the page to be IE8 compatible using the following meta tag:
< meta http-equiv =" X-UA-Compatible content =" IE-EmulateIE8" >
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible content="IE-EmulateIE8" >
我不确定添加此元标记的完整后果,但在我测试的所有浏览器中似乎都能正常工作(IE6 / 7/8/9, FF4,Chrome10)。
I'm not sure of the full ramifications of adding this meta tag, but all seems to work fine in all browsers I've tested (IE6/7/8/9, FF4, Chrome10).
It might work in your scenario as well if you're looking for a quick fix.