http://www.python。 org / 2.5 / highlight.html 享受此版本, Martin Martin v .Loewis ma**** Python发布经理 (代表整个python-dev团队)On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community, I''mhappy to announce the release of Python 2.5.2 (release candidate 1).This is the second bugfix release of Python 2.5. Python 2.5 is now inbugfix-only mode; no new features are being added. According to therelease notes, over 100 bugs and patches have been addressed sincePython 2.5.1, many of them improving the stability of the interpreter,and improving its portability.For more information on Python 2.5.2, including download links forvarious platforms, release notes, and known issues, please see: of this new release include:Bug fixes. According to the release notes, at least 100 have been fixed.Highlights of the previous major Python release (2.5) are availablefrom the Python 2.5 page, at this release,MartinMartin v. Loewis ma****@v.loewis.dePython Release Manager(on behalf of the entire python-dev team)推荐答案 Mac二进制文件给出404。什么时候/它应该工作,它是否会升级Leopard标准框架安装,或者我们需要使用PATH来解决这个问题吗?The Mac binary is giving a 404. When/if it''s supposed to work, will itupgrade the Leopard standard framework install, or will we need tomess around with the PATH? Mac二进制文件给出了404. 感谢你指出这一点 - 它现在已经解决了。 问候, Mar tinThe Mac binary is giving a 404.Thanks for pointing that out - it''s fixed now.Regards,Martin" Martin v.L ?? wis" < ma **** @ v.loewis.dewrites:"Martin v. L??wis" <ma****@v.loewis.dewrites: 代表Python开发团队和Python社区,我是 高兴地宣布发布Python 2.5.2(发布候选版1)。On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community, I''mhappy to announce the release of Python 2.5.2 (release candidate 1). 嗯。如果它只是一个2.5.2的发布*候选*,而且还没有2.5.2的释放* b $ b *,请你把它作为其他东西宣布 比发布? 它应该被宣布为Python 2.5.2的发布,如果 那么''是这样的;或者Python 2.5.2版本的可用性 候选人1。 - \ a? ?这在实践中非常好,但它是如何工作的? ` \ *理论*?a ?? a ??匿名| _o__)| Ben FinneyUm. If it''s only a release *candidate* of 2.5.2, and not yet a*release* of 2.5.2, could you please announce it as something otherthan a "release"?It should either be announced as "the release of Python 2.5.2", ifthat''s the case; or "the availability of the Python 2.5.2 releasecandidate 1".--\ a??That''s all very good in practice, but how does it work in |`\ *theory*?a?? a??anonymous |_o__) |Ben Finney 这篇关于发布了Python 2.5.2,发布候选版本1的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-20 05:46