

一段时间以来,我一直在使用图形工具库,到目前为止,我还没有使用过确实使用了大多数绘图功能.今天,当尝试使用 graph_tool.draw.graph_draw 我意识到我最初配置图形工具时没有 cairo

I have been using the graph-tool library for a while now, thus far I hadn't really been using most of its drawing features. Today when trying to use graph_tool.draw.graph_draw I realised that I had configured graph-tool initially without cairo,

./configure --disable-cairo

,这正是graph_draw使用的图形库.如果我现在安装cairo,是否有一种方法可以激活依赖cairo的graph_tool功能,而不必删除并重新安装整个graph_tool模块?这样可以节省数小时的重新安装时间. (在我的计算机上,制作过程大约需要3个小时.)

and this is exactly the graphics library that graph_draw uses. If I install cairo now, is there a way to activate the features of graph_tool that rely on cairo without having to remove and reinstall the whole graph_tool module? This would spare a few hours of re-installation. (the make process takes about 3 hours on my machine).


由于基于cairo的图形是在C ++中实现的,因此您必须重新编译该库.

You have to recompile the library, since the cairo-based drawing is implemented in C++.


09-14 14:48