


I have a Marionette application that is composed of a series of steps, each step corresponding to a different view, each with an anchor tag in a navigation bar.

<a href="#toolbox">Select Tools</a>
<a href="#payment">Pay</a>

我现在的斗争是找到构建的URL,使 Marionette.AppRouter 可以回应他们的最好方式。每当我使用像的href方案=/工具箱,页面只是尝试导航离开该URL(绕过路由器),除非我prevent默认锚的作用。我应该使用像片段方案HREF =#工具箱?或者,我应该设置我的 Backbone.history.start()调用不同?什么是这里的最佳实践?

My current struggle is finding the best way to structure the URLs so that the Marionette.AppRouter can respond to them. Whenever I use a scheme like href="/toolbox", the page just tries to navigate away to that URL (bypassing the router), unless I prevent the default action of the anchor. Should I be using a fragment scheme like href="#toolbox"? Or, should I be setting up my Backbone.history.start() call differently? What is the best practice here?


我要做的就是用#toolbox作为的href ,但我还是叫 preventDefault 上的click事件。

What I do is use "#toolbox" as the href, but I still call preventDefault on the click event.


  • 应用程序处理导航,并简单地更新了网址片段

  • 用户可以打开一个新窗口中的链接(或加载书签)预期的页面和土地(因为路由得到的路由控制器触发)


Essentially, once a route has been loaded and the user is "inside" your Marionette app, routes shouldn't be triggered anymore. Instead controller actions should be called via events to udpate the app's display. More on this approach to routing here (see section "Implementing Routing"): http://samples.leanpub.com/marionette-gentle-introduction-sample.pdf


08-26 00:49