

我是pretty新角度和我使用的火力点作为我的后端。我希望有人能调试这个问题。当我第一次去我页 www.mywebsite.com/#defaultHash 的数据不加载到DOM,它访问另一个哈希链接,回来后虽然做。

I'm pretty new to Angular and I'm using firebase as my backend. I was hoping someone could debug this issue. When I first go to my page www.mywebsite.com/#defaultHash the data doesn't load into the DOM, it does after visiting another hash link and coming back though.


/* initialize data */

var fb = new Firebase('https://asdf.firebaseio.com/');

/* set data to automatically update on change */

fb.on('value', function(snapshot) {

  var data = snapshot.val();
  $scope.propertyConfiguration = data.products;
  console.log("Data retrieved");


/* save data on button submit */

$scope.saveConfigs = function(){

  var setFBref = new Firebase('https://asdf.firebaseio.com/products');
  console.log("configurations saved!");


我有3个散列路线说共享,注册和家与otherwise.redirectTo设置为共享(它们都使用该控制器)下面是发生错误:。(所有的通 HREF =#hashWhereever)

I have 3 hash routes say "Shared", "Registration", and "Home" with otherwise.redirectTo set to "Shared".(They all use this controller) Here's the error that occurs: (all "links" are href="#hashWhereever")

1)转到 website.com/#Shared 或只刷新。控制台日志$ scope.propertyConfiguration和数据取自。 DOM显示什么。

1) Go to website.com/#Shared or just refresh. Console logs $scope.propertyConfiguration and "Data Retrieved". DOM shows nothing.

2)单击 website.com/#Registration ,控制台日志$范围的数据正确,DOM加载正确。

2) Click to website.com/#Registration, console logs $scope data properly, DOM is loaded correctly.

3)点击回 website.com/#Shared ,控制台日志$范围数据尚未正确这次DOM正确加载。

3) Click back to website.com/#Shared, console logs $scope data properly yet this time DOM loads correctly.

4)刷新当前加载正确的 website.com/#Shared 。 DOM元素消失了。

4) Refresh currently correctly loaded website.com/#Shared. DOM elements disappear.

由于$ scope.data是在所有的情况下正确这里,不应角确保在DOM反映了模型正确?为什么它的DOM正确加载,只有当我从另一个链接点击页面。

Since $scope.data is correct in all the cases here, shouldn't Angular make sure the DOM reflects the model properly? Why is it that the DOM loads correctly only when I am clicking to the page from another link.

我可以通过添加window.location.hash =共享,但它抛出一个巨大的错误量在控制台修复了。

I can "fix" it by adding window.location.hash = "Shared" but it throws a huge amount of errors in the console.

固定 :(八九不离十)


The function $scope.$apply() forces the view to sync with the model. I'd answer this question myself and close it but I'm still wondering why the view doesn't load correctly when I correctly assign a value to $scope. If Angular's "dirty checking" checks whenever there is a possibility the model has changed, doesn't assigning a value to $scope overqualify?


角有没有办法知道您分配一个值$ scope.variable。这里没有魔法。当你运行一个指令(NG-点击/ NG提交)或角度的内部功能,都调用$适用()并引发摘要(肮脏的标志和更新程序的检查)。

Angular has no way to know you've assigned a value to $scope.variable. There's no magic here. When you run a directive (ng-click/ng-submit) or Angular internal functions, they all call $apply() and trigger a digest (a check of the dirty flags and update routine).

一个超过$可能更安全的方法适用于将使用$超时。目前,如果你调用火力地堡的写操作,它可以同步触发事件侦听器(child_added,child_changed,价值等)。这可能会导致你调用$应用而仍然是一个$内申请范围。如果你这样做,会引发Error。 $超时绕过这一点。

A possibly safer approach than $apply would be to use $timeout. Currently, if you call a write op in Firebase, it could synchronously trigger an event listener (child_added, child_changed, value, etc). This could cause you to call $apply while still within a $apply scope. If you do this, an Error is thrown. $timeout bypasses this.


See this SO Question for a bit more on the topic of digest and $timeout.


This doc in the Angular Developer Guide covers how compile works; very great background read for any serious Angular dev.


Also, you can save yourself a good deal of energy by using the official Firebase bindings for Angular, which already take all of these implementation details into account.


Vaguely Related Note: In the not-too-distant future, Angular will be able to take advantage of Object.observe magic to handle these updates.


08-20 06:56