在 Rails Test Prescriptions(b10.0,第 176 页)一书中,有如下单行断言示例:
In the book Rails Test Prescriptions (b10.0, page 176), there are examples of one-liner assertions like the following:
应该成功"{ assert_response :success }
这对我来说似乎不是有效的 ruby 语法,并且 ruby 报告左大括号是意外的.为了解析它,我必须把它改成
This doesn’t appear to be valid ruby syntax to me, and ruby reports that the left curly brace is unexpected. In order for it to be parsed, I have to change it to
应该成功";做 assert_response : 成功结束
What's wrong with the syntax of the first example?
这是有效的 Ruby 语法.嗯,有点.简直没道理!
This is valid Ruby syntax. Well, sort of. It just doesn't make sense!
Since the precedence of a literal block using curly braces is higher than passing an argument without parentheses, the block gets bound to the argument instead of the method call. If the argument is itself a method call, then you won't even get a syntax error. You'll just scratch your head wondering why your block doesn't get called.
为了解决这个问题,你要么在参数周围加上括号,因为括号的优先级高于大括号,或者使用 do
To fix this, you either put parentheses around the argument, since parentheses have higher precedence than curly braces, or use the do
/ end
form, which is lower precedence than an argument list without parentheses.
def foo; yield if block_given?; 'foo' end
puts foo { puts 'block' }
# block
# foo
puts(foo) { puts 'block' }
# foo
puts foo do puts 'block' end
# foo
puts foo { puts 'block' }, foo { puts 'block' }
# block
# block
# foo
# foo
puts 'foo' { puts 'block' }
# SyntaxError: (irb):19: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting $end
这篇关于使用大括号的单行 shoulda 语法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!