我是一些公司 github 存储库的所有者.最近,我们怀疑一个开发人员可能通过他借用的 github 身份(许多凌晨 4 点分批提交)寻求外包帮助.github.com上有没有办法确定提交者的源IP地址?在流量页面上,我可以根据唯一克隆的数量推断此信息,但这不足以让我们验证我们的担忧.
i'm the owner of a few corporate github repositories. Lately we have been suspicious of a developer who may be enlisting outsourced help through his borrowed github identity (many 4am commits in batches). Is there a way on github.com to determine the source IP address of the committer? On the traffic page i can infer this info based on teh number of unique clones, but this is not enough data for us to validate our concerns.
If this "individual", if I'm quoting your corporatese right, lets his subcontractors commit themselves to the official repo in his name without further precautions, then he is an idiot and deserves to be fired.
在这种情况下,您可能甚至不需要提交者的 IP 地址.提交本身包含一些非常有用的数据:
In this case, you probably don't even need the committer's IP address. The commit itself contains some very useful data:
git cat-file -p <suspicious-commit-id>
Will show the entire commit object. It will contain two lines like this:
author Foo Bar <foo@bar.com> 1398017575 +0200
committer Foo Bar <foo@bar.com> 1398017575 +0200
如您所见,Unix-epoch 时间戳后面有时区信息.如果您在美国东海岸,您应该会看到类似 -0500
的内容.如果分包商在印度,您会看到 +0630
As you can see there is timezone info following the Unix-epoch timestamps. If you're on the East Coast in the USA, you should see something like -0500
. If the subcontractors are in India, you'll see +0630
or something like that.
The "individual" has probably more sense than that. So the subcontractors push to his repo, then he rewrites history and pushes to the official repo. In the latter case, good luck.
这篇关于检测 GitHub 提交的 IP 地址的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!