


I need to solve an under-determined linear system of equations and constraints, then find the particular solution that minimises a cost function. This needs to be done in purely portable managed code that will run in .NET and Mono. What freely available libraries are there that I can use to implement this?

我发现免费库提供的所有优化算法仅支持单个变量的时间间隔约束,例如0 < x < 1,而不是像x + 2y < 4这样的约束.我还发现,线性方程求解器通常仅支持具有一种解的线性系统.

All of the optimisation algorithms provided by free libraries I have found only support interval constraints on single variables, e.g. 0 < x < 1, not constraints like x + 2y < 4. I have also found that often the linear equations solvers only support linear systems with one solution.

到目前为止,我找到的最接近的是 DotNumerics ,其中包括用于解决欠定线性问题的奇异值分解系统,但其优化算法仅支持单变量约束(据我所知).

The closest I have found so far is DotNumerics, which includes Singular Value Decomposition for solving under-determined linear systems, but its optimisation algorithms only support single-variable constraints (as far as I can tell).


There are several other questions asking about linear programming, but my key requirements are multi-variable constraints and solving under-determined systems. I have yet to find a free library that supports multi-variable constraints.


ALGLIB 是常见的解决方法线性求解器之类的库.绝望之前,我会好好看一下.

ALGLIB is the usual go-to library for things like linear solvers. I would give that a good look before despairing.


07-11 17:58