

我是机器学习和神经网络的新手.我知道如何建立非线性分类模型,但是我目前的问题是连续不断的输出.我一直在寻找有关神经网络回归的信息,但我遇到的只是有关 linear 回归的信息-与 nonlinear 案例无关.这很奇怪,因为为什么有人还是要使用神经网络来解决简单的线性回归?这不是像用核弹杀死苍蝇吗?

I'm new to machine learning and neural networks. I know how to build a nonlinear classification model, but my current problem has a continuous output. I've been searching for information on neural network regression, but all I encounter is information on linear regression - nothing about nonlinear cases. Which is odd, because why would someone use neural networks to solve a simple linear regression anyway? Isn't that like killing a fly with a nuclear bomb?

所以我的问题是:是什么使神经网络非线性? (隐藏层?非线性激活函数?)还是我对线性"一词有完全错误的理解-线性回归NN能否准确地建模比y = aX + b更复杂的数据集? 线性"一词是否与物流"相反?

So my question is this: what makes a neural network nonlinear? (Hidden layers? Nonlinear activation function?) Or do I have a completely wrong understanding of the word "linear" - can a linear regression NN accurately model datasets that are more complex than y=aX+b? Is the word "linear" used just as the opposite of "logistic"?


(I'm planning to use TensorFlow, but the TensorFlow Linear Model Tutorial uses a binary classification problem as an example, so that doesn't help me either.)


对于初学者来说,神经网络可以对任何函数(不仅是线性函数)建模,请看一下- http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap4.html .

For starters, a neural network can model any function (not just linear functions) Have a look at this - http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap4.html.


A Neural Network has got non linear activation layers which is what gives the Neural Network a non linear element.


The function for relating the input and the output is decided by the neural network and the amount of training it gets. If you supply two variables having a linear relationship, then your network will learn this as long as you don't overfit. Similarly, a complex enough neural network can learn any function.


06-21 05:13