


I recently learned about different methods to deal with collisions in hash tables. And saw that the separate chaining with linked lists is always more time efficient, and for space efficiency we allocate a predefined memory for Linear probing which later on we might not use,for separate chaining we utilize memory dynamically, so is separate chaining with linked list not more efficient than Linear probing?if yes why do we then use Linear probing at all?


我很惊讶,你看到链接哈希比线性探测快 - 在实践中,线性探测通常显著高于链快。事实上,这就是它的使用的主要原因。

I'm surprised that you saw chained hashing to be faster than linear probing - in practice, linear probing is typically significantly faster than chaining. In fact, that's the main reason it's used.


Although chained hashing is great in theory and linear probing has some known theoretical weaknesses (such as the need for five-way independence in the hash function to guarantee O(1) expected lookups), in practice linear probing is typically significantly faster due to locality of reference. Specifically, it's faster to access a series of elements in an array than it is to follow pointers in a linked list, so linear probing tends to outperform chained hashing even if it has to investigate more elements.


There are other wins in linear probing. For example, insertions into a linear probing hash table don't require any new allocations (unless you're rehashing the table), so in applications like network routers where memory is scarce, it's nice to know that once the table is set up, the elements can be placed into it with no risk of a malloc fail.



09-27 05:13