


I am currently dealing witha very small data set (20 observations, I know it's terrible). But I need to somehow forecast out the values. When I simply regress time on the dependent variable I am able to get a prediction, but when I add lagged or differenced variables it does not predict more than one year into the future. Is this due to having too few observations?


Here is my code for context. The two lines have have commented out result in a better fitting prediction for present data, but generate only one future prediction.

use "scrappage.dta", clear

drop if year == 1993

tsappend, add(12)

tsset year, y

reg scrappagerate year

*reg scrappagerate year l.scrappagerate l2.scrappagerate

*reg scrappagerate year d.scrappagerate d2.scrappagerate

predict p

predict yp if year>year(2013)

tsline yp p scrappagerate


Sorry if this is a stupid question, this is my first time using Stata to predict values.



仅获得一个预测的原因与预测功能无关,而是数据的性质.假设您有N个观察值.在您的情况下,您使用了tsappend, add(12),因此具有N+12观察值.并且您的l1.y滞后变量将向下移动到第N+1行.

Here's your problem:

The reason you're obtaining only one prediction has nothing to do with the predict function, but the nature of your data. Let's say you have N observations. In your case, you used tsappend, add(12), making it so you have N+12 observations. And your l1.y lagged variable will carry down to the N+1th row.

Stata的predict函数将对所有非缺失数据进行预测,只要有可用的预测变量即可.因此,由于您的自变量l1.y填充在N + 1行中,因此Stata可以预测该观察结果. (类似地,predict不会预测第一个观测值,因为您的滞后预测变量将丢失.)

Stata's predict function will predict on all non-missing data, where there are available predictors. Therefore, since your independent variable, l1.y is populated in the N + 1 row, Stata will predict that observation. (Similarly, predict won't predict the 1st observation, since the your lagged predictor will be missing.)


In order to get dynamic prediction using OLS regression in Stata, you need to feed this N+1th prediction into an X matrix and use the regression coefficient matrix to predict the N+2 observation. You then iterate.

* Example of how to do dynamic prediction using OLS regression and lagged variables
set obs 12
gen time = _n
gen y = rnormal(100,100)

tsset time
tsappend, add(12)
gen y_lag1 = l1.y

* Establish the regression relationship and save the coefficients
regress y y_lag1
matrix a = r(table)'
matrix beta = a[1..2,1]

* Predict the N+1 value (notice you have y_lag1 in the 13th row)
predict yhat

* Predict the next values
local lag = 1
forval i = 14/24 {
    local last_y = yhat[`i'-`lag']
    matrix xinput = [`last_y',1]
    * Estimate the next sales
    matrix next_y = xinput*beta
    replace yhat = next_y[1,1] in `i'

将其与使用ARIMA模型进行比较(根据Dimitriy V. Masterov的评论),您将获得几乎相同的结果.

Comparing this to using the ARIMA model (as per Dimitriy V. Masterov's comment), and you get nearly identical results.

arima y l1.y
predict yhat_ar, dyn(13)


09-25 07:41