I have got a little file sharing webpage. It's free to use it. I would like to upload files between 0mb and 1GB. I'm searching in Google since two days, but I can't find anything what I needed...
我的网页:但是,我现在只能上传20-30mb。我想一次只上传1个文件。但是它可能大于500-600mb ...有人可以帮我吗?
My webpage: http://boxy.tigyisolutions.hu However I can upload only 20-30mb now. I would like upload only 1 file at once. But it may be bigger than 500-600mb ... Can anyone help me?
I尝试了jquery fileupload,但是对我来说什么都没有上传。
I tried jquery fileupload, but it's uploading nothing for me.
The Blob.slice method will allow you to split up a file client-side into chunks. You must then send each chunk individually. This will only work on browsers that support the File API.
If you don't want to write this code yourself, Fine Uploader is a javascript uploader library that has the ability to chunk files for you and send them to your server.