The most important things I want to know are the device type, the OS version, if it has a hardware keyboard and maybe the screen resolution. but if you know other useful debug information please add them :)
I found this for the OS version:
string += "OS Version: " + System.getProperty("os.version");
为了获得有用属性的完整概述,我在我的 ErrorHandler 活动中将它们全部组合在一起(从第 56 行开始阅读):https://github.com/simon-heinen/SimpleUi/blob/master/SimpleUI/srcAndroid/simpleui/util/DeviceInformation.java#L56
edit: to get a complete overview of useful attributes, I combined them all together in my ErrorHandler activity (start to read at line 56): https://github.com/simon-heinen/SimpleUi/blob/master/SimpleUI/srcAndroid/simpleui/util/DeviceInformation.java#L56
Windowsize 和键盘的存在是一个好主意,我添加了一些用于调试目的的更多信息:
Windowsize and keyboard presence were a good idea, i added some more infos for debug purpose:
String s="Debug-infos:";
s += "
OS Version: " + System.getProperty("os.version") + "(" + android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL + ")";
s += "
OS API Level: " + android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
s += "
Device: " + android.os.Build.DEVICE;
s += "
Model (and Product): " + android.os.Build.MODEL + " ("+ android.os.Build.PRODUCT + ")";