本文介绍了Spring MVC:通用的DAO和服务类的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在Spring MVC中写web。我使用Generic DAO编写了所有DAO。现在我想重写我的Service类。如何写通用服务?


  / * ################################# DAO ########### ##################### * / 
package net.example.com.dao;

import java.util.List;

public interface GenericDao< T> {
public T findById(int id);
public List< T>找到所有();
public void update(T entity);
public void save(T entity);
public void delete(T entity);

/ * ----------------------------------- ------------------- * /

package net.example.com.dao;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;

公共抽象类GenericHibernateDaoImpl< T extends Serializable>实现GenericDao< T> {

私人课程< T> clazz中;

private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

public final void setClazz(Class< T> clazzToSet){
this.clazz = clazzToSet;

public T findById(int id){
return(T)getCurrentSession()。get(clazz,id) ;

public List< T> findAll(){
return getCurrentSession()。createQuery(FROM+ clazz.getName())。list();

public void update(T entity){

public void save(T entity){

public void delete(T entity){

protected final session getCurrentSession(){
return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

/ * ------------------------------ ------------------------ * /



public interface CountryDao extends GenericDao< Country> {

public Country findByName(String name);
public Country findByCode(String code);


/ * ------------------------------- ----------------------- * /

package net.example.com.dao;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;


public class CountryDaoImpl extends GenericHibernateDaoImpl< Country> implements CountryDao {

public Country findByName(String name){
.createQuery(FROM Country WHERE name =名称)

$ b @Override
public Country findByCode(String code){
.createQuery(FROM Country WHERE code =:code)


/ * ########################## ####### DAO ################################ * /

$ b


  / * ################################# SERVICE ################ ################ * / 

package net.example.com.service;

import java.util.List;

公共接口GenericManager< T> {// GenericManager< T>与GenericDao< T>相同。

public T findById(int id);
public List< T>找到所有();
public void update(T entity);
public void save(T entity);
public void delete(T entity);

/ * ----------------------------------- ------------------- * /

package net.example.com.service;

import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;


公共抽象类GenericManagerImpl< T>实现GenericManager< T> {

保护GenericDao< T>道;

public T findById(int id){
return dao.findById(id);

public List< T> findAll(){
return dao.findAll();

public void update(T entity){

public void save(T entity){

public void delete(T entity){
/ * ---------------------------------- -------------------- * /

package net.example.com.dao;


公共接口CountryManager扩展了GenericDao< Country> {// CountryManager与CountryDao相同

public Country findByName(String name);
public Country findByCode(String code);

/ * ----------------------------------- ------------------- * /

package net.example.com.service;

import java.util.List;

import javax.transaction.Transactional;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import net.example.com.dao.CountryDao;
import net.example.com.entity.Country;

public class CountryManagerImpl extends GenericManagerImpl< Country>实现CountryManager {

公共列表< Country> findAll(){
return dao.findAll();

public国家findById(int id){

public Country findByName(String name){
return dao.findByName(name); //编译器(和Eclipse)没有看到findByName !!!!!!!!!

public Country findByCode(String code){
return dao.findByCode(code); //编译器(和Eclipse)没有看到findByCode !!!!!!!!!

public void save(Country country){

public void delete(Country country){

public void update(Country country){


/ * -------------------------- ---------------------------- * /

/ * ########## ####################### SERVICE ##########################编译器(和Eclipse)没有看到

###### * /
> findByName
findByCode 方法。我明白为什么。但是我该如何重写呢? 解决方案

问题是,您的GenericDao直接注入到您的GenericManager中,但没有一个是具体的Spring bean,你将永远无法使用你的特定CountryDao。

你不能autowire GenericDao,只能定义它并提供setter:

public abstract class GenericManagerImpl< T,D extends GenericDao< T>>实现GenericManager< T> {
private D dao;

保护无效setDao(D dao){
this.dao = dao;



然后,你将不得不在你的具体服务中注入一个混凝土spring bean。即在 CountryManagerImpl 中:

public class CountryManagerImpl扩展了GenericManagerImpl< Country,CountryDao>实现CountryManager {


@Inject( countryDao)
protected void setDao(CountryDao dao){
this.dao = dao;



然后,您将拥有一个完整的spring bean,并注入具体的CountryDao类型及其具体方法。

您可以看看我们在RESThub项目上做了什么关于通用服务:和一些具体的例子:(使用控制器而不是服务,但它是相似的) p>



,顺便说一句,您应该考虑使用Spring Data而不是使用GenericDaos,但您仍然会对服务有相同的需求。

I am writting web in Spring MVC. I wrote all DAOs using Generic DAO. Now I would like to rewrite my Service classes. How can I write "Generic Service"?

There are my DAOs:

/* ################################# DAO ################################ */
package net.example.com.dao;

import java.util.List;

public interface GenericDao<T> {
        public T findById(int id);
        public List<T> findAll();
        public void update(T entity);
        public void save(T entity);
        public void delete(T entity);

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

package net.example.com.dao;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;

public abstract class GenericHibernateDaoImpl<T extends Serializable> implements GenericDao<T> {

        private Class<T> clazz;

        private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

        public final void setClazz(Class<T> clazzToSet) {
                this.clazz = clazzToSet;

        public T findById(int id) {
                return (T) getCurrentSession().get(clazz, id);

        public List<T> findAll() {
                return getCurrentSession().createQuery("FROM " + clazz.getName()).list();

        public void update(T entity) {

        public void save(T entity) {

        public void delete(T entity) {

        protected final Session getCurrentSession(){
                return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

package net.example.com.dao;

import net.example.com.entity.Country;

public interface CountryDao extends GenericDao<Country> {

    public Country findByName(String name);
    public Country findByCode(String code);


/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

package net.example.com.dao;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import net.example.com.entity.Country;

public class CountryDaoImpl extends GenericHibernateDaoImpl<Country> implements CountryDao {

        public Country findByName(String name) {
                return (Country) getCurrentSession()
                                .createQuery("FROM Country WHERE name = :name")
                                .setString("name", name).uniqueResult();

        public Country findByCode(String code) {
                return (Country) getCurrentSession()
                                .createQuery("FROM Country WHERE code = :code")
                                .setString("code", code).uniqueResult();


/* ################################# DAO ################################ */

and Services:

/* ################################# SERVICE ################################ */

package net.example.com.service;

import java.util.List;

public interface GenericManager<T> { // GenericManager<T> is the same as GenericDao<T>

        public T findById(int id);
        public List<T> findAll();
        public void update(T entity);
        public void save(T entity);
        public void delete(T entity);

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

package net.example.com.service;

import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import net.example.com.dao.GenericDao;

public abstract class GenericManagerImpl<T> implements GenericManager<T> {

        protected GenericDao<T> dao;

        public T findById(int id) {
                return dao.findById(id);

        public List<T> findAll() {
                return dao.findAll();

        public void update(T entity) {

        public void save(T entity) {

        public void delete(T entity) {
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

package net.example.com.dao;

import net.example.com.entity.Country;

public interface CountryManager extends GenericDao<Country> { // CountryManager is the same as CountryDao

    public Country findByName(String name);
    public Country findByCode(String code);

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

package net.example.com.service;

import java.util.List;

import javax.transaction.Transactional;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import net.example.com.dao.CountryDao;
import net.example.com.entity.Country;

public class CountryManagerImpl extends GenericManagerImpl<Country> implements CountryManager {

        public List<Country> findAll() {
                return dao.findAll();

        public Country findById(int id) {
                return dao.findById(id);

        public Country findByName(String name) {
                return dao.findByName(name); // compiler (and Eclipse) do not see findByName !!!!!!!!!

        public Country findByCode(String code) {
                return dao.findByCode(code); // compiler (and Eclipse) do not see findByCode !!!!!!!!!

        public void save(Country country) {

        public void delete(Country country) {

        public void update(Country country) {


/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ################################# SERVICE ################################ */

Compiler (and Eclipse) do not see findByName and findByCode methods. I understand why. But how can I rewrite it?


The problem is that your inject directly your GenericDao in your GenericManager but none of them is a concrete Spring bean and you will never be able to use your specific CountryDao.

You must not autowire GenericDao but only define it and provide setter :

// Add DAO as a genric parameter
public abstract class GenericManagerImpl<T, D extends GenericDao<T>> implements GenericManager<T> {
    private D dao;

    protected void setDao (D dao) {
        this.dao = dao;



Then, you will have to inject a concrete spring bean in your concrete services. i.e. in CountryManagerImpl:

// Instantiate your concrete service with your concrete DAO
public class CountryManagerImpl extends GenericManagerImpl<Country, CountryDao> implements CountryManager {

    // Do not redeclare your dao here in order to keep the inherited one

    // Don't forget to inject
    protected void setDao (CountryDao dao) {
        this.dao = dao;



You will have then a full spring bean injected with your concrete CountryDao type and its specific methods.

You can take a look at what we did on RESThub project regarding generic services : https://github.com/resthub/resthub-spring-stack/blob/master/resthub-common/src/main/java/org/resthub/common/service/CrudServiceImpl.java and some concrete example : https://github.com/resthub/todo-backbone-example/blob/master/src/main/java/todo/TodoController.java (with a Controller instead of a Service but it is similar)

Hope it will help.

(and sorry if there is some typos, I cannot double check right now)

and, BTW, you should consider using Spring Data instead of using GenericDaos but you will still have the same needs regarding your Services.

这篇关于Spring MVC:通用的DAO和服务类的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 09:12