我的 react native 项目中有以下 fetch 函数,用于从 MS Graph 返回 blob 图像,返回有效,但我似乎无法将 blob 显示为图像.
I have the following fetch function in my react native project to return a blob image from MS Graph, the return works but i cannot seem to display the blob as an image.
//Blob Picture
fetch('https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/photo/$value', {
headers: { 'Authorization': "Bearer " + accessToken },
.then((response) => {
// console.log(response);
this.setState({ BlobImage: response});
.catch((error) => {
Then i wish to display the image like so:
<Image source={{uri: BlobImage}} style={{ height: 200, width: null, flex: 1 }}/>
一种方法是将您的 blob 转换为 base64 并将其用作 uri,如所述 这里但我宁愿使用 rn-fetch-blob 并使用路径因为更直接向前.检查这个例子:
One way is to convert your blob into base64 and use it as uri as described hereBut I would rather to use rn-fetch-blob and using path since is more straight forward. check this example:
fileCache : true,
// by adding this option, the temp files will have a file extension
appendExt : 'png'
.fetch('GET', 'http://www.example.com/file/example.zip', {
//some headers ..
.then((res) => {
// the temp file path with file extension `png`
console.log('The file saved to ', res.path())
// Beware that when using a file path as Image source on Android,
// you must prepend "file://"" before the file path
imageView = <Image source={{ uri : Platform.OS === 'android' ? 'file://' + res.path() : '' + res.path() }}/>