

SharedAccessBlobPermissions 是:

The possible values for SharedAccessBlobPermissions are:


What are the differences between Add, Create and Write? I can't find any documentation that clarifies this.


您可以在此处找到有关这些权限的信息: https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/azure/dn140255.aspx .

You can find information about these permissions here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn140255.aspx.


From what I understand reading about these permissions:

  • 添加:添加权限仅适用于附加Blob.您可以使用此权限将块添加到附加Blob.使用此权限无法进行其他操作.
  • 创建:创建"权限仅允许创建Blob,换句话说,您不能使用此权限来更新Blob.这将包括编写新的Blob,为现有的Blob拍摄快照或将Blob复制到新的Blob.
  • 写入:写入权限允许创建和更新Blob.这将包括创建或写入内容,属性,元数据或阻止列表,在blob上拍摄快照或管理租约并调整blob的大小(仅页面blob).
  • Add: Add permission is only applicable for append blobs. You use this permission to add a block to an append blob. No other operation is possible using this permission.
  • Create: Create permission only allows creation of blobs or in other words you can't update a blob with this permission. This would include writing a new blob, take a snapshot of an existing blob, or copy a blob to a new blob.
  • Write: Write permission allows creation and updation of blobs. This would include create or write content, properties, metadata, or block list, take a snapshot or manage lease on a blob and resize the blob (page blob only).


In our application, we use Shared Access Signature extensively and we make use of Write permission almost exclusively on all the blob related operations.


10-28 11:57