本文介绍了Youtube Data API:从除直播流之外的频道获取最新的视频 ID的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的 python 脚本中,我获取了我最新视频的视频 ID.

In my python script I'm getting the video ID of my latest video.

这是代码,playlistId 是包含我所有视频的频道的播放列表 ID:

This is the code, playlistId being my channel's playlist ID that contains all my videos:

def get_latest_video_id(youtube, playlistId):
    id_request = youtube.playlistItems().list(
        part = 'snippet',
        playlistId = playlistId
    id_response = id_request.execute()
    video_id = id_response['items'][0]['snippet']['resourceId']['videoId']
    return video_id


The problem now is, my live streams also get saved into this playlist. I couldn't find out if there is a playlist with all my uploads excluding my saved live streams.

我想到的解决方法是获取我所有直播的列表,并将它们的 ID 与我通过上述方法获得的 ID 进行比较.

The workaround I thought of is to get a list of all my livestreams and compare their ID to the ID I got from the method above.

我的问题是,没有更好的方法来做到这一点吗?有没有偶然的 API 调用可以满足我的需要,而没有高额的配额成本?

My question is, isn't there a better way to do this? Is there by chance a API call that does what I need, without high quota cost?


您必须反复调用 PlaylistItems.list API 端点(使用分页)用于手动过滤直播视频.

You'll have to iterate your call to PlaylistItems.list API endpoint (using pagination) for to filter out manually the videos that are live streams.

def get_non_livestream_videos(youtube, video_ids):
    assert len(video_ids) <= 50
    if not video_ids: return []

    response = youtube.videos().list(
        fields = 'items(id,liveStreamingDetails)',
        part = 'id,liveStreamingDetails',
        maxResults = len(video_ids),
        id = ','.join(video_ids),

    items = response.get('items', [])
    assert len(items) <= len(video_ids)

    not_live = lambda video: \
        not video.get('liveStreamingDetails')
    video_id = lambda video: video['id']

    return map(video_id, filter(not_live, items))

def get_latest_video_id(youtube, playlistId):
    request = youtube.playlistItems().list(
        fields = 'nextPageToken,items/snippet/resourceId',
        playlistId = playlistId,
        maxResults = 50,
        part = 'snippet'

    is_video = lambda item: \
        item['snippet']['resourceId']['kind'] == 'youtube#video'
    video_id = lambda item: \

    while request:
        response = request.execute()

        items = response.get('items', [])
        assert len(items) <= 50

        videos = map(video_id, filter(is_video, items))
        if videos:
            videos = get_non_livestream_videos(youtube, videos)
            if videos: return videos[0]

        request = youtube.playlistItems().list_next(
            request, response)

    return None

请注意,上面我使用了fields 请求参数,用于仅从 API 获取实际需要的信息.

Note that above I used the fields request parameter for to get from the APIs only the info that's actually needed.

另请注意,您可能需要详细说明函数 get_non_livestream_videos,因为 Videos.list 使用其 id 参数作为以逗号分隔的视频 ID 列表很可能会改变它返回的项目的顺序video_ids 中 ID 的给定顺序.

Also note that you may have to elaborate a bit the function get_non_livestream_videos, since the Videos.list API endpoint queried with its id parameter as a comma-separated list of video IDs may well alter the order of the items it returns w.r.t. the given order of the IDs in video_ids.

还有一个重要的注意事项:如果您在 Python 3 下运行上面的代码(您的问题没有提到这一点),那么请确保您在顶部插入了以下配置代码脚本:

Yet an important note: if you're running the code above under Python 3 (your question does not mention this), then make sure you have the following configuration code inserted at the top of your script:

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    from builtins import map as builtin_map
    map = lambda *args: list(builtin_map(*args))

这是必需的,因为在 Python 3 下,内置函数 map 返回一个迭代器,而在 Python 2 下,map 返回一个列表.

This is needed since, under Python 3, the builtin function map returns an iterator, whereas under Python 2, map returns a list.

这是解决我上面提到的问题的代码.Videos.list 相对于函数 get_non_livestream_videos 的参数 video_ids 给出的 ID 顺序改变返回项目顺序的情况:

Here is the code that solves the issue I mentioned above w.r.t. the case of Videos.list altering the order of items returned relative to the order of the IDs given by the argument video_ids of function get_non_livestream_videos:

import sys

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    from builtins import map as builtin_map
    map = lambda *args: list(builtin_map(*args))

class MergeVideoListsError(Exception): pass

def merge_video_lists(video_ids, video_res):
    pair0 = lambda pair: pair[0]
    pair1 = lambda pair: pair[1]

    video_ids = sorted(
        enumerate(video_ids), key = pair1)
        key = lambda video: video['id'])

    def error(video_id):
        raise MergeVideoListsError(
            "unexpected video resource of ID '%s'" % video_id)

    def do_merge():
        N = len(video_ids)
        R = len(video_res)
        assert R <= N

        l = []
        i, j = 0, 0
        while i < N and j < R:
            v = video_ids[i]
            r = video_res[j]
            s = v[1]
            d = r['id']
            if s == d:
                l.append((v[0], r))
                i += 1
                j += 1
            elif s < d:
                i += 1

        if j < R:

        return l

    video_res = do_merge()
    video_res.sort(key = pair0)
    return map(pair1, video_res)

def println(*args):
    for a in args:

def test_merge_video_lists(ids, res, val):
        println("ids:   ", ids)
        println("res:   ", res)
        r = merge_video_lists(ids, res)
        println("merge: ", r)
    except MergeVideoListsError as e:
        println("error: ", e)
        r = str(e)
        println("test:  ", "OK" \
            if val == r \
            else "failed")

TESTS = ((
    ['c', 'b', 'a'],
    [{'id': 'c'}, {'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'b'}],
    [{'id': 'c'}, {'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'a'}]
    ['c', 'b', 'a'],
    [{'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'c'}],
    [{'id': 'c'}, {'id': 'b'}]
    ['c', 'b', 'a'],
    [{'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'c'}],
    [{'id': 'c'}, {'id': 'a'}]
    ['c', 'b', 'a'],
    [{'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'b'}],
    [{'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'a'}]
    ['c', 'b', 'a'],
    [{'id': 'z'}, {'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'c'}],
    "unexpected video resource of ID 'z'"
    ['c', 'b', 'a'],
    [{'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'z'}, {'id': 'c'}],
    "unexpected video resource of ID 'z'"
    ['c', 'b', 'a'],
    [{'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'z'}],
    "unexpected video resource of ID 'z'"

def main():
    for i, t in enumerate(TESTS):
        if i: println()

if __name__ == '__main__':

# $ python merge-video-lists.py
# ids:   ['c', 'b', 'a']
# res:   [{'id': 'c'}, {'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'b'}]
# merge: [{'id': 'c'}, {'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'a'}]
# test:  OK
# ids:   ['c', 'b', 'a']
# res:   [{'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'c'}]
# merge: [{'id': 'c'}, {'id': 'b'}]
# test:  OK
# ids:   ['c', 'b', 'a']
# res:   [{'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'c'}]
# merge: [{'id': 'c'}, {'id': 'a'}]
# test:  OK
# ids:   ['c', 'b', 'a']
# res:   [{'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'b'}]
# merge: [{'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'a'}]
# test:  OK
# ids:   ['c', 'b', 'a']
# res:   [{'id': 'z'}, {'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'c'}]
# error: unexpected video resource of ID 'z'
# test:  OK
# ids:   ['c', 'b', 'a']
# res:   [{'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'z'}, {'id': 'c'}]
# error: unexpected video resource of ID 'z'
# test:  OK
# ids:   ['c', 'b', 'a']
# res:   [{'id': 'a'}, {'id': 'b'}, {'id': 'z'}]
# error: unexpected video resource of ID 'z'
# test:  OK

上面的代码是一个独立的程序(在 Python v2 和 v3 下运行),它实现了一个合并函数merge_video_lists.

The code above is a standalone program (running both under Python v2 and v3) that implements a merging function merge_video_lists.

您必须在函数 get_non_livestream_videos 中通过替换以下行来使用此函数:

You'll have to use this function within the function get_non_livestream_videos by replacing the line:

return map(video_id, filter(not_live, items))


return map(video_id, merge_video_lists(
    video_ids, filter(not_live, items)))

对于 Python 2.对于 Python 3,替换将是:

for Python 2. For Python 3 the replacement would be:

return map(video_id, merge_video_lists(
    video_ids, list(filter(not_live, items))))

不要替换 return 语句,只需在该语句前面加上这个语句:

Instead of replacing the return statement, just have that statement preceded by this one:

items = merge_video_lists(video_ids, items)

后一种变体更好,因为它还会验证 API 返回的视频 ID:如果有一个 ID 不在 video_ids 中,则 merge_video_lists 会抛出一个MergeVideoListsError 表示罪魁祸首 ID 的异常.

This latter variant is better, since it also validates the video IDs returned by the API: if there is an ID that is not in video_ids, then merge_video_lists throws a MergeVideoListsError exception indicating the culprit ID.

要获取所有 N 天前的视频,不包括直播,请使用以下功能:

For obtaining all videos that are exactly N days old, excluding live streams, use the function below:

def get_days_old_video_ids(youtube, playlistId, days = 7):
    from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
    n_days = date.today() - timedelta(days = days)

    request = youtube.playlistItems().list(
        fields = 'nextPageToken,items(snippet/resourceId,contentDetails/videoPublishedAt)',
        part = 'snippet,contentDetails',
        playlistId = playlistId,
        maxResults = 50

    def parse_published_at(item):
        details = item['contentDetails']
        details['videoPublishedAt'] = datetime.strptime(
            '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') \
        return item

    def find_if(cond, items):
        for item in items:
            if cond(item):
                return True
        return False

    n_days_eq = lambda item: \
        item['contentDetails']['videoPublishedAt'] == n_days
    n_days_lt = lambda item: \
        item['contentDetails']['videoPublishedAt'] < n_days
    is_video = lambda item: \
        item['snippet']['resourceId']['kind'] == 'youtube#video'
    video_id = lambda item: \

    videos = []

    while request:
        response = request.execute()

        items = response.get('items', [])
        assert len(items) <= 50

        # remove the non-video entries in 'items'
        items = filter(is_video, items)

        # replace each 'videoPublishedAt' with
        # its corresponding parsed date object
        items = map(parse_published_at, items)

        # terminate loop when found a 'videoPublishedAt' < n_days
        done = find_if(n_days_lt, items)

        # retain only the items with 'videoPublishedAt' == n_days
        items = filter(n_days_eq, items)

        # add to 'videos' the IDs of videos in 'items' that are not live streams
        videos.extend(get_non_livestream_videos(youtube, map(video_id, items)))

        if done: break

        request = youtube.playlistItems().list_next(
            request, response)

    return videos


The function get_days_old_video_ids above needs filter and map to return lists, therefore the configuration code above has to be updated to:

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    from builtins import map as builtin_map
    map = lambda *args: list(builtin_map(*args))
    from builtins import filter as builtin_filter
    filter = lambda *args: list(builtin_filter(*args))

请注意,get_days_old_video_ids 依赖于以下未记录的财产PlaylistItems.list产生的结果集的a>:对于一个频道的上传播放列表,PlaylistItems.list返回的item是按时间倒序排列的(最新的第一个)由 contentDetails.videoPublishedAt.

Do note that get_days_old_video_ids is relying on the following undocumented property of the result set produced by PlaylistItems.list: for the uploads playlist of a channel, the items returned by PlaylistItems.list are ordered in reverse chronological order (newest first) by contentDetails.videoPublishedAt.

因此您必须确保get_days_old_video_ids 的参数playlistId 是您频道的上传播放列表的ID.通常,频道 ID 与其对应的上传播放列表 ID 通过 s/^UC([0-9a-zA-Z_-]{22})$/UU\1/ 相关联.

Therefore you have to make sure the argument playlistId of get_days_old_video_ids is the ID of the uploads playlist of your channel. Usually, a channel ID and its corresponding uploads playlist ID are related by s/^UC([0-9a-zA-Z_-]{22})$/UU\1/.

另请注意,get_days_old_video_ids 正在返回 恰好 旧的视频的 ID.如果需要获取最多的视频ID,那么定义:

Also note that get_days_old_video_ids is returning the IDs of videos that are exactly days old. If needing to obtain the IDs of videos that are at most days old, then have defined:

    n_days_ge = lambda item: \
        item['contentDetails']['videoPublishedAt'] >= n_days

并将 n_days_eq 替换为 n_days_ge.

还有一点需要注意:在上面的函数 get_non_livestream_videos 的顶部,我添加了以下语句:

Yet something to note: at the top of function get_non_livestream_videos above, I added the statement:

    if not video_ids: return []

以避免处理空的 video_ids 列表.

such that to avoid processing an empty video_ids list.

这篇关于Youtube Data API:从除直播流之外的频道获取最新的视频 ID的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
