


I want to know how many maximum queues RabbitMQ can handle on a single server?


Does it depend on RAM? Does it depends on erlang processes?



There are not any hard-coded limits inside RabbitMQ broker. The broker will utilize all available resources (unless you set limits on some of them, they are called watermarks in RabbitMQ terminology).


There are some limitations put by Erlang itself, like maximum number of concurrent processes, but if you theoretically can reach them on single node then it is always good idea to use distributed features.


There are a lot of discussions about RabbitMQ resource usage and limits,

  • How many queues can one broker support on RabbitMQ mailing list
  • Max messages allowed in a queue in RabbitMQ? on RabbitMQ mailing list
  • Rabbitmq - Reasonable performance/scale expectations on Server Fault
  • Is there a limit to the number of exchanges for rabbitmq? on Stack Overflow

P.S.虽然有AMQP协议限制.它们在 4.9中进行了描述.局限性

P.S. There are AMQP protocol limit though. They are described in section 4.9Limitations

  • 每个连接的通道数:16位通道号.
  • 协议类别数量:16位类别ID.
  • 每个协议类的方法数:16位方法ID.
  • Number of channels per connection: 16-bit channel number.
  • Number of protocol classes: 16-bit class id.
  • Number of methods per protocol class: 16-bit method id.


The AMQP specifications impose these limits on data:

  • 短字符串的最大大小:255个八位字节.
  • 长字符串或字段表的最大大小:32位大小.
  • 帧有效载荷的最大大小:32位大小.
  • 内容的最大大小:64位大小.
  • Maximum size of a short string: 255 octets.
  • Maximum size of a long string or field table: 32-bit size.
  • Maximum size of a frame payload: 32-bit size.
  • Maximum size of a content: 64-bit size.

服务器或客户端还可能对资源等施加自己的限制,例如 作为并发连接数,每位使用者的数量 通道,队列数等.这些不影响互操作性 并且未指定.

The server or client may also impose its own limits on resources such as number of simultaneous connections, number of consumers per channel, number of queues, etc. These do not affect interoperability and are not specified.


08-04 04:51