


I would like to convert the Math.sin(x), where x in radians to a result which will give me as x in degrees not radians.


I have used the normal method and java built in method of conversion between degrees and radians, but any argument I pass to the Math.sin() method is being treated as radians, thereby causing my conversion to be a futile effort.


I want the output of a sin Input to be given as if the input is treated in degrees not radians like the Math.sin() method does.


Java的Math库为您提供了在度和弧度之间转换的方法: toRadians toDegrees :

Java's Math library gives you methods to convert between degrees and radians: toRadians and toDegrees:

public class examples
    public static void main(String[] args)
         System.out.println( Math.toRadians( 180 ) ) ;
         System.out.println( Math.toDegrees( Math.PI ) ) ;


If your input is in degrees, you need to convert the number going in to sin to radians:

double angle = 90 ;
double result  = Math.sin( Math.toRadians( angle ) ) ;
System.out.println( result ) ;


10-24 11:23