


我使用MinGW,在我的目录中有 Res.def Res.h Res.cpp Res.o 运行 g ++ -c Res.cpp 后得到的。


  CFLAGS = -c -G3 -GX -Od -W3 -Zi -D_X86_ = 1 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -nologo -DSTRICT 
LFLAGS = -debug:mapped,full -debugtype:cv -nologo
LIBS = libc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
SRCS = Res.def Res.cpp Res.h
OBJS = Res.o



co $(SRCS)

cl $(CFLAGS)$ *。cpp
rc $ *。rc
cvtres -i386 $ *。res -o $ *。rbj
link $(LFLAGS)-DLL -subsystem:windows -out :$ *。dll \
-def:$ *。def $(OBJS)$(LIBS)
link $(LFLAGS)-subsystem:console -out :$ *。exe \
$ *。obj $(EXELIBS)



我可以有意义的C或C + +,我是一个总的noob在make文件,因此,我试图重新组装一个开源的DLL,在做一些更改的代码。我已经阅读关于构建C应用程序,但它没有什么帮助。原始make文件有 OBJS 行不同,它是

OBJS = Res.obj

当尝试以某种方式管理时,我已将它更改为 OBJS = Res.o 构建dll。所以原始文件是:

  CFLAGS = -c -G3 -GX -Od -W3 -Zi -D_X86_ = 1  - DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -nologo -DSTRICT 
LFLAGS = -debug:mapped,full -debugtype:cv -nologo
LIBS = libc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
SRCS = Res.def Res .cpp Res.h
OBJS = Res.obj



co $(SRCS)

cl $(CFLAGS)$ *。cpp
rc $ *。rc
cvtres -i386 $ *。res -o $ *。rbj
link $ LFLAGS)-DLL -subsystem:windows -out:$ *。dll \
-def:$ *。def $(OBJS)$(LIBS)
link $(LFLAGS)-subsystem:console -out:$ *。exe \
$ *。obj $(EXELIBS)

$ b b





看起来您的目录中已经有最新的 $(OBJS),并且 all


link ...


但是,当然,您可以指定一个从.o文件中构建.dll文件的规则。我想这是你想要做的,但你的Makefile只有一个规则从 .obj 文件(不是 .o )构建一个.dll文件。 / p>

另一件事: Res.o 文件应该依赖于Res.cpp和Res.h。所以你需要像这样的:


g ++ -c $<

Make says it has nothing to do for all. I have searche the internet and there are dozens of situations when it says this thing. None of the solutions helped though...

I use MinGW, in my directory I have Res.def, Res.h, Res.cpp and Res.o which I've got after running g++ -c Res.cpp.

Here is the makefile:

CFLAGS = -c -G3 -GX -Od -W3 -Zi -D_X86_=1 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -nologo -DSTRICT
LFLAGS = -debug:mapped,full -debugtype:cv -nologo
LIBS = libc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib 
SRCS = Res.def Res.cpp Res.h
OBJS = Res.o

all: Res.dll

Res.dll: $(SRCS) $(OBJS)

    co $(SRCS)

    cl $(CFLAGS) $*.cpp
    rc $*.rc
    cvtres -i386 $*.res -o $*.rbj
    link $(LFLAGS) -DLL -subsystem:windows -out:$*.dll \
        -def:$*.def $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
    link $(LFLAGS) -subsystem:console -out:$*.exe \
        $*.obj $(EXELIBS)

How do I make the dll?


I come from Java and when i can make sense of C or C++, am a total noob at make files and hereby I am trying to re-assemble an open-source dll after doing some changes to the code. I have read about building C applications but it does not help much. The original make file had OBJS line different, it was

OBJS = Res.obj

I have changed it to OBJS = Res.o when trying to somehow manage to build the dll. So that the original file was:

CFLAGS = -c -G3 -GX -Od -W3 -Zi -D_X86_=1 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -nologo -DSTRICT
LFLAGS = -debug:mapped,full -debugtype:cv -nologo
LIBS = libc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib 
SRCS = Res.def Res.cpp Res.h
OBJS = Res.obj

all: Res.dll

Res.dll: $(SRCS) $(OBJS)

    co $(SRCS)

    cl $(CFLAGS) $*.cpp
    rc $*.rc
    cvtres -i386 $*.res -o $*.rbj
    link $(LFLAGS) -DLL -subsystem:windows -out:$*.dll \
        -def:$*.def $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
    link $(LFLAGS) -subsystem:console -out:$*.exe \
        $*.obj $(EXELIBS)

With that default line, it was saying another thing:

*** No rule to make target `Res.obj`, needed by `Res.dll`. Stop.

Please could you tell me how to assemble this simple dll? I am totally lost. These complexities seem to me an overkill for such a simple task of building a lib from a single source file....?


It looks like you already have up-to-date $(OBJS) in your directory, and there is really nothing to be done for all.

Linking usually concerns more than one object file, so it's more conventional to specify linking rules for each binary explicitly:

Res.dll: $(OBJS) Res.def
      link ...

(note that Res.dll doesn't depend on .h and .cpp directly).

But of course you can specify a rule for building a .dll file from an .o file instead. I guess this is what you are trying to do, but your Makefile only has a rule for building a .dll file from an .obj file (not .o).

One more thing: the Res.o file should depend on Res.cpp and Res.h. So you need something like:

Res.o: Res.h

      g++ -c $<


10-29 07:42