本文介绍了使用MySQL IN子句作为全包(AND而不是OR)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a listing of items on a site. Each item has several categories attached to it, let's call these categories movie genres. In the advanced search, I let people check boxes for the genres they like, and it spits out the list of movies matching ANY of the selected genres.


AND column IN ('5', '8', '9')


The problem here is that if you select "animation" and "horror" you will get a bunch of Disney cartoons ("animation") and the SAW series ("horror").


I wanted to adapt the search to be all inclusive, so it would only return results matching ALL of the selected genres, so items marked both 'animation' and 'horror' would be returned.

item_id和category_id对存储在单独的表中.因此,对于ID为55的电影,可能会有4种流派,所以会有4行具有item_id = 55,并且category_id等于4个类别ID.

The item_id and category_id pairs are stored in a separate table. So for a movie with an ID 55, there might be 4 genres, so there would be 4 rows with item_id = 55, and category_id equals the 4 category Ids.



EDIT: Modified my answer to more closely match the OP's edited question.

select i.MovieName
    from item i
        inner join ItemCategory ic
            on i.item_id = ic.item_id
    where i.item_id = 55
        and ic.category_id in ('5','8','9')
    group by i.MovieName
    having count(distinct ic.category_id) = 3

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08-27 05:12