



It is necessary to make an animation of a ball falling with subsequent bounces from a solid surface.


I got this kind of animation, but it doesn't look realistic:


<svg id="svg1" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
       width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 200 200" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" style="border:1px solid" >

<image xlink:href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/hXyA5.png" x="82" width="25px" height="25px" >
   <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" dur="1s" begin="svg1.click" values="0,0;0,168;0" repeatCount="3" />
   <polyline points="5,190 190,190" stroke="silver" stroke-width="4" />



It is necessary that the first bounce was less than the height of the fall of the ball, the second bounce was less than the height of the first bounce, the third bounce was less than the second.

您如何实现这一目标?解决方案可能在SMIL SVG,CSS,JS上

How do you achieve this? Solution maybe on SMIL SVG, CSS, JS

首选SMIL SVG解决方案.

SMIL SVG solution is preferred.



The most realistic approach would be to simulate the physics with JS.


let ballElem = document.getElementById("ball");

let GRAVITY = 40;        // Acceleration due to gravity (pixels / sec /sec)
let FLOOR_Y = 200 - 25;  // Y coord of floor. The 25 here is because ball.y is the top of the ball.
let BOUNCINESS = 0.8;    // Velocity retained after a bounce
let LIMIT = 0.1;         // Minimum velocity required to keep animation running
let ball = {};
let lastFrameTime = null;

ballElem.addEventListener("click", startAnim);

function startAnim()
  ball = {x: 82, y: 0, dx: 0, dy: 0};
  lastFrameTime = null;

function animStep(timestamp)
  if (lastFrameTime === null)
    lastFrameTime = timestamp;
  // Milliseconds elapsed since last step
  const elapsed = timestamp - lastFrameTime;
  lastFrameTime = timestamp;

  ball.dy += GRAVITY * elapsed / 1000;
  ball.y += ball.dy;
  ball.x += ball.dx;   // not really used in this example

  if (ball.y > FLOOR_Y) {
    // Step has taken us below the floor, so we need to rebound the ball.
    ball.y -= (ball.y - FLOOR_Y);
    ball.dy = -ball.dy * BOUNCINESS;

  // Update the <image> element x and y
  ballElem.x.baseVal.value = ball.x;
  ballElem.y.baseVal.value = ball.y;

  // Request another animation step
  if (Math.abs(ball.y - FLOOR_Y) > LIMIT ||  // Not on ground
      Math.abs(ball.dy) > LIMIT ||           // or still moving
      Math.abs(ball.dx) > LIMIT) {
<svg id="svg1"
     width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 200 200" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" style="border:1px solid" >

  <image id="ball" xlink:href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/hXyA5.png" x="82" width="25px" height="25px"/>



08-04 01:29