I'm just learning bash scripting. It's the first time I have to redirect output to another program and I don't know how to do it.
我必须编写一个连接GUI程序的脚本,和零,一个或两个程序 - 我需要两个玩家,都可以是计算机或人类。 GUI从两个程序(或人类,我的意思是从标准输入)获得输出。
I have to write a script which connects a GUI program, and zero, one or two programs - I need two players, both can be computer or human. GUI gets output from both programs (or humans, I mean from stdin).
假设有一个人和一个comp_player。 Human使用stdin命令,必须将此命令重定向到正在运行的GUI程序并运行comp_player,两者都需要输入。然后,comp_player的输出必须重定向到GUI(如果有第二台计算机播放器,则还需要将此输出重定向到第二台计算机播放器的输入)。转弯结束。
Let's assume that there is one human and one comp_player. Human gives command using stdin, this command has to be redirected to running GUI program and running comp_player, both expecting input. Then, comp_player's output has to be redirected to GUI (if there were second computer player, it would also be necessary to redirect this output to second computer player's input). The turn ends.
I know how to create a file to read and write and redirect input or output from it. For example:
echo "anything" >&3
exec 3<>sometextfile
read line <&3
echo $line
But what I don't know is how to redirect, for example, line I just read to running program who expects input and capture its output, which I can redirect to GUI and another program.
I know it isn't as simple as code above and I that have to use something called named pipes, but I tried to read some tutorials and I failed to write working script.
Can you give me an example of fragment of a script which, say:
(gui program and computer player program are running)
-reads line from stdin
- 发送行到gui程序和comp_player的输入
-"sends" the line to gui program's and comp_player's inputs
- 从comp_player读取输出并将其写入stdout并将其发送到gui输入
-"reads" output from comp_player and writes it to stdout and also "sends" it to gui input
Named pipes are a special kind of files used to connect the input and output of two completely separate programs. Think of it as a temporary buffer, or an array that's shared between two programs that don't know about each other. This makes them an awesome tool to share messages between the two programs and get them to communicate very effectively.
作为查看命名管道如何工作的简单测试,打开两个终端在同一目录中,并在第一个中键入 mkfifo mypipe
echo一条非常重要的消息> mypipe
As a simple test to see how a named pipe works, open two terminals in the same directory, and type mkfifo mypipe
in the first one to create the file. Now, to use it just write something to it, for example:
echo "A very important message" > mypipe
现在消息存储在管道文件中,您将看到终端被阻止,好像 echo
cat mypipe
Now the message is stored in the pipe file, you will see the terminal is blocked, as if the echo
hadn't finish. Go to the second terminal and get the contents of the pipe using:
cat mypipe
You will print out the "very important message" you stored in the piped from the first terminal. Notice the pipe is empty now, and you simply can't get the message again from it.
Now that you know how named pipes work, here's a very simple example of how three players would communicate. Notice that we can't use a single file for all of them, instead we will create separate pipes to communicate player1 and player2, player1 and gui, and player2 and gui. I'm guessing the gui program is written in another language, but I will leave that to you.
#First make sure we have our files
if [ ! -p $player2pipe ]; then
mkfifo $player2pipe
if [ ! -p $guipipe ]; then
mkfifo $guipipe
while true; do #Or until the game ends
echo -n "Do something: "
read move
# Send our move to the other two players
echo $move > $player2pipe
echo $move > $guipipe
playermove=$(cat $player2pipe) # Read other player's move from the pipe file. The execution will pause until there's something to read
# Do something about that move here
if [ ! -p $player1pipe ]; then
mkfifo $player1pipe
if [ ! -p $guipipe ]; then
mkfifo $guipipe
while true; do
playermove=$(cat $player1pipe)
# Do something about that move here
move="A very good move made by a computer" #Obviously you will have to generate a new move
echo $move > $player1pipe
echo $move > $guipipe
if [ ! -p $player1pipe ]; then
mkfifo $player1pipe
if [ ! -p $player1pipe ]; then
mkfifo $player1pipe
while true; do #Or until the game ends
# Read other players' move from the pipe files. Notice the order here, if player2 moved before player1 the execution would be locked until the pipe is emptied
player1move=$(cat $player1pipe)
player2move=$(cat $player2pipe)
#Print out their move or whatever you need to do with it.
echo $player1move
echo $player2move
# Do whatever else you need to do about those moves
Save the three files in the same directory and execute them from three different terminals to see how they work.Hope I helped.