


I'm using quaternions in my game, and I'm wondering how, when I have two orientation quaternions, I can get the rotation quaternion needed to go from the first one, q1, to the second one, q2.I'm self taught, so there may be obvious solutions missing from my vocabulary.

在等式中,当我从第一个旋转到另一个时,我正在做的事情如下:q2 = r * q1

In equations, what I'm doing when I rotate from the first one to the other is as follows:q2 = r * q1


However, now r is the unknown. Do the rules of algebra count here too? If that's the case, I'd end up dividing a quaternion by another, something I can't find a good explanation for on the internet.

我正在使用一个叫做Game Maker的程序

I'm using a program called game maker


为了用四元数来划分",您需要将其反转以使其与旋转方向相反.为了反转四元数,可以否定 w 组件或( x y z )组件,但不能同时使用这两个组件,因为这会使您拥有与开始时相同的四元数(完全取反的四元数表示相同的旋转).

In order to "divide" with a quaternion, you invert it so that it's the opposite rotation. In order to invert a quaternion, you negate either the w component or the (x, y, z) components, but not both since that would leave you with the same quaternion you started with (a fully negated quaternion represents the same rotation).


Then, remember that quaternions aren't commutative. So:

q2 = r*q1
q2*q1' = r

其中 q1'是倒四元数,必须将其与q2的右边相乘才能得到正确的结果.

Where q1' is the inverted quaternion and it must be multiplied on the right side of q2 to get the right result.


06-15 13:37