我满足issue.I发展到Mac OS Android应用程序。而我的应用程序上的emulator.I办好要在设备上运行,但是当我运行亚行的设备,我什么也没有。
I meet a issue.I develop android application on the Mac Os. And my application run well on the emulator.I want to run it on the device,but when I run "adb devices",I get nothing.
localhost:platform-tools BF$ adb devices
List of devices attached
localhost:platform-tools BF$
我在关于促进发展建立一个设备的提法检查文档。我做的一切一步一步来。在这些文件中,有一些话:设置您的系统检测到您的设备。如果您正在开发Mac OS X上,它只是工作。请跳过此步骤。
I have check the document in the reference about "Setting up a Device for Development".I do everything step by step.In the documents,there are some words :Setup your system to detect your device.If you're developing on Mac OS X, it just works. Skip this step.
Now,I don't find any solution. If it need special driver in the Android?need you help
我知道这个线程是老了,但我认为这仍然可以帮助。几乎所有的时间,它只是作品在OS X上,但有时新/原型或模糊的设备不会回升。尽力帮助它与这些步骤(我不靠近我的Mac的权利,但我这样做昨晚想我记得):
I know this thread is old, but I think this could still help. Almost all the time "it just works" on OS X, but sometimes new/prototype or obscure devices aren't picked up. Try to help it out with these steps (I'm not near my Mac right now, but I did this last night and think I remember):
1 - 打开系统概述,并找到USB设备。查看它的详细信息,找到供应商ID。例如,摩托罗拉的设备将显示0x2bb8。或者只是谷歌为你的供应商的硬件ID。
1 - Open System Profiler and find the device on USB. View it's details to find the Vendor ID. For example, Motorola devices will show 0x2bb8. Or just Google for your vendor's hardware id.
2 - 编辑〜/ .android / adb_usb.ini为包括供应商ID。如果该文件不存在,只有该线路创建它。
2 - Edit ~/.android/adb_usb.ini to include that Vendor ID. If the file doesn't exist, create it with that line only.
3 - 重新启动亚行
3 - Restart ADB
adb kill-server
adb start-server
4 - 也许拔掉/插件您的手机
4 - Maybe unplug/plugin your phone.
And hopefully you see your device.
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