


I have the following jqgrid subgrid:

我正在尝试像具有jExpander插件的以下html表一样对其进行配置 http://jsfiddle.net/mojarame/S5V6C/12/

I am trying to configure it like the following html table that has the jExpander Pluginhttp://jsfiddle.net/mojarame/S5V6C/12/

但是在jqgrid上的子网格的第一个JS Fiddle Demo中的列标题是可见的.如何删除它们?

But the column headers in the first JS Fiddle Demo for the subgrid on the jqgrid are visible. How can I remove them?



The demo with jExpander Plugin don't display any subgrid in my opinion. It display common HTML fragment in the line below. I suppose that what you need is not to create subgrid at all. Instead of this you can display any common HTML fragment which you need.

查看非常老的答案.相应的演示,我主要使用当前的jqGrid 4.3.3显示以下

Look at the very old answer. The corresponding demo where I mostly uses the current jqGrid 4.3.3 display the following

jqGrid只是为子网格数据创建一行,并将div放置在整行中具有colSpan的单元格中.您将div的id作为subGridRowExpandedsubgrid_id参数获得.因此,您可以将所需的任何HTML片段放入div .它不仅应该是另一个网格.如果我了解您的要求正确,那么使用数据创建自定义HTML片段将解决您的问题.

jqGrid just create the row for subgrid data and place div in the cell having colSpan over the whole row. You get the id of the div as subgrid_id parameter of subGridRowExpanded. So you can place in the div any HTML fragment what you want. It must be not only another grid. If I understand correct your requirements then creating your custom HTML fragment with the data will solve your problem.


09-05 15:46