


In most resources it is recommended to use foldl', but that cause of using foldr in concat instead of foldl'?



EDIT I talk about laziness and productivity in this answer, and in my excitement I forgot a very important point that jpmariner focuses on in their answer: left-associating (++) is quadratic time!

foldl'是合适的.如果累加器很严格,则必须先消耗整个列表,然后才能给出任何输出. foldl'使用尾部递归来避免在这种情况下炸毁堆栈,但是foldr不会,并且会导致性能下降.另一方面,foldl' 必须以这种方式消耗整个列表.

foldl' is appropriate when your accumulator is a strict type, like most small types such as Int, or even large spine-strict data structures like Data.Map. If the accumulator is strict, then the entire list must be consumed before any output can be given. foldl' uses tail recursion to avoid blowing up the stack in these cases, but foldr doesn't and will perform badly. On the other hand, foldl' must consume the entire list in this way.

foldl f z []      =          z
foldl f z [1]     =        f z 1
foldl f z [1,2]   =     f (f z 1) 2
foldl f z [1,2,3] =  f (f (f z 1) 2) 3

列表的 final 元素是评估最外层应用程序所必需的,因此无法部分使用列表.如果我们使用(++)进行扩展,我们将看到:

The final element of the list is required to evaluate the outermost application, so there is no way to partially consume the list. If we expand this with (++), we will see:

foldl (++) [] [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
    = (([] ++ [1,2]) ++ [3,4]) ++ [5,6]

    = ([1,2] ++ [3,4]) ++ [5,6]
    = ((1 : [2]) ++ [3,4]) ++ [5,6]

    = (1 : ([2] ++ [3,4])) ++ [5,6]

    = 1 : (([2] ++ [3,4]) ++ [5,6])


(I admit this looks a little magical if you don't have a good feel for cons lists; it's worth getting dirty with the details though)

看看在1冒泡到最前面之前,我们该如何评估每个 (++)(在对它们进行评估时标有^^)?在此之前,1一直隐藏"在功能应用程序下.

See how we have to evaluate every (++) (marked with ^^ when they are evaluated) on the way down before before the 1 bubbles out to the front? The 1 is "hiding" under function applications until then.


foldr, on the other hand, is good for non-strict accumulators like lists, because it allows the accumulator to yield information before the entire list is consumed, which can bring many classically linear-space algorithms down to constant space! This also means that if your list is infinite, foldr is your only choice, unless your goal is to heat your room using your CPU.

foldr f z []      = z
foldr f z [1]     = f 1 z
foldr f z [1,2]   = f 1 (f 2 z)
foldr f z [1,2,3] = f 1 (f 2 (f 3 z))
foldr f z [1..]   = f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (f 5 ...


We have no trouble expressing the outermost applications without having to see the entire list. Expanding foldr the same way we did foldl:

foldr (++) z [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
    = [1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ ([5,6] ++ []))
    = (1 : [2]) ++ (3,4] ++ ([5,6] ++ []))

    = 1 : ([2] ++ ([3,4] ++ ([5,6] ++ [])))

1立即产生 ,而不必评估除第一个以外的任何(++).因为这些(++)都不被评估,并且Haskell是惰性的,所以甚至在消耗更多输出列表之前,不必生成 ,这意味着concat可以在恒定空间中运行对于这样的功能

1 is yielded immediately without having to evaluate any of the (++)s but the first one. Because none of those (++)s are evaluated, and Haskell is lazy, they don't even have to be generated until more of the output list is consumed, meaning concat can run in constant space for a function like this

concat [ [1..n] | n <- [1..] ]


which in a strict language would require intermediate lists of arbitrary length.

如果这些减少看起来有些不可思议,并且您想更深入一点,我建议您检查 (++) 的来源,并对其定义进行一些简单的手工简化,以体会到它的含义. (请记住,[1,2,3,4]1 : (2 : (3 : (4 : [])))的表示法.)

If these reductions look a little too magical, and if you want to go deeper, I suggest examining the source of (++) and doing some simple manual reductions against its definition to get a feel for it. (Just remember [1,2,3,4] is notation for 1 : (2 : (3 : (4 : [])))).


In general, the following seems to be a strong rule of thumb for efficiency: use foldl' when your accumulator is a strict data structure, and foldr when it's not. And if you see a friend using regular foldl and don't stop them, what kind of friend are you?


08-20 16:23