I have some code that utilizes fork, execlp, and wait to make two processes. The objective is to be able to repeatedly print a prompt and have the user enter a command with up to 4 arguments/options to the command.
int main()
string command, argument;
istringstream iss(argument);
//prompt user for command to run
cout << "Enter command: ";
cin >> command >> argument;
int pid, rs, status;
//fork will make 2 processes
pid = fork();
if(pid == -1) { perror("fork"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
if(pid == 0) {
//Child process: exec to command with argument
//C_str to get the character string of a string
rs = execlp(command.c_str(), command.c_str(), argument.c_str(), (char*) NULL);
if (rs == -1) { perror("execlp"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
} else {
//Parent process: wait for child to end
} while(command != "exit");
return 0;
I knew that the current code I have would be able to support only one argument to the command, but I wasn't sure about what to use in order to specify between 1 to 4 arguments. That's when I a friend mentioned to me about std::istringstream
, but while looking into it, I didn't understand how to use it for input with the rest of the program. Is there a way to set it up or is there a different method to use to fulfill the requirements?
The most common usage pattern for std::istringstream
with user input is to accept a single line of text and then process it. This avoids problems that can occur when the input does not match what you expect, or cannot be predicted.
Here is a simple example that reads one line at a time from STDIN, and processes it into a command followed by a vector of strings as arguments.
for(std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); )
std::istringstream iss(line);
std::string command;
if (iss >> command)
std::vector<std::string> args;
for (std::string arg; iss >> arg; )
std::cout << "Received '" << command << "' with " << args.size() << " arguments\n";
std::cerr << "Invalid input" << std::endl;
Of course, you don't need to read into strings, or store stuff in a vector. This was simply for illustrative purposes.
The basic point is to avoid pitfalls that people come up against, the most common of which is expecting the previous stream operation to have succeeded. When that assumption is false, the naive programmer can find themselves attempting to parse something that was supposed to be handed in the previous line.
Broken example:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::string command;
while (std::cin >> command)
std::cout << "Got command: " << command << std::endl;
if (command == "foo")
// 'foo' expects two integer arguments:
int arg1, arg2;
std::cin >> arg1 >> arg2;
std::cout << command << ": " << arg1 << ", " << arg2 << std::endl;
else if (command == "bar")
// 'bar' expects one float argument:
float arg1;
std::cin >> arg1;
std::cout << command << ": " << arg1 << std::endl;
return 0;
在上面,假设用户感到困惑,并使用一个float参数调用" foo 命令,那么下一个命令是有效的 bar 命令:
In the above, let's say the user gets confused and "invokes" the foo command with one float argument, then the next command is a valid bar command:
foo 42.0
bar 3.14
foo 处理程序将arg1读取为42,然后无法读取下一个参数.流现在有错误.
The foo handler reads arg1 as 42, then fails to read the next argument. The stream is now in error.
No error checking was done on the input during that handler, so there's now undefined behavior outputting the value of arg2
When attempting to read the next command, the stream is already in an error state and so the loop terminates.
So, the output of that program might look like:
Got command: foo
foo: 42, -149017896
的情况下解决此问题,但这很痛苦.流可能会进入错误状态的原因有很多,而清除特定错误状态的错误标志只是为了解决此问题,这会导致代码丑陋且可能容易出错.您不仅需要清除错误标志,而且还需要告诉流忽略该行中的所有剩余字符.而且您可能已经不知道就开始阅读 next 行.
Fixing this problem without istringstream
is possible, but it's a pain. There are many reasons why a stream might enter an error state, and clearing error flags for specific error states just to get around this problem makes for ugly and potentially error-prone code. Not only would you need to clear the error flags, but you would also need to tell the stream to ignore any remaining characters in the line. And you may have already started reading into the next line without knowing.
More robust example:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
int main() {
std::string command;
for (std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); )
std::istringstream iss(line);
if (!(iss >> command))
std::cout << "Got command: " << command << std::endl;
if (command == "foo")
// 'foo' expects two integer arguments:
int arg1, arg2;
if (iss >> arg1 >> arg2)
std::cout << command << ": " << arg1 << ", " << arg2 << std::endl;
else if (command == "bar")
// 'bar' expects one float argument:
float arg1;
if (iss >> arg1)
std::cout << command << ": " << arg1 << std::endl;
return 0;
Now, the same input from the previous example will give the output:
Got command: foo
Got command: bar
bar: 3.14
, any errors processing our input did not affect the source stream, so a failure on the previous line does not cause problems.
The string stream is correctly checked when reading arguments, allowing optional error handling.
If, after some parsing failure, you decide to try processing a line of input differently, that's easy to do with another string stream.
这篇关于在C ++中使用istringstream的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!