


So, I found an answer to removing the .html extension on my page, that works fine with this code:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name _;
    root /var/www/html/;
    index index.html;

    if (!-f "${request_filename}index.html") {
        rewrite ^/(.*)/$ /$1 permanent;

    if ($request_uri ~* "/index.html") {
        rewrite (?i)^(.*)index\.html$ $1 permanent;

    if ($request_uri ~* ".html") {
        rewrite (?i)^(.*)/(.*)\.html $1/$2 permanent;

    location / {
        try_files $uri.html $uri $uri/ /index.html;


But if I open mypage.com it redirects me to mypage.com/index
Wouldn't this be fixed by declaring index.html as index? Any help is appreciated.



更新后的答案:这个问题激起了我的好奇心,然后我又进行了一次更深入的搜索,以寻找Nginx中.html重定向的圣杯"解决方案.这是我找到的答案的链接,因为我自己没有提出答案: https://stackoverflow.com/a /32966347/4175718

The "Holy Grail" Solution for Removing ".html" in NGINX:

UPDATED ANSWER: This question piqued my curiosity, and I went on another, more in-depth search for a "holy grail" solution for .html redirects in Nginx. Here is the link to the answer I found, since I didn't come up with it myself: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32966347/4175718


However, I'll give an example and explain how it works. Here is the code:

location / {
    if ($request_uri ~ ^/(.*)\.html$) {
        return 302 /$1;
    try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ =404;

这里发生的是if指令的巧妙用法. Nginx在传入请求的$request_uri部分上运行一个正则表达式.正则表达式检查URI是否具有.html扩展名,然后将URI的无扩展名部分存储在内置变量$1中.

What's happening here is a pretty ingenious use of the if directive. Nginx runs a regex on the $request_uri portion of incoming requests. The regex checks if the URI has an .html extension and then stores the extension-less portion of the URI in the built-in variable $1.

docs 开始,因为花了我一段时间才弄清楚$1来自:

From the docs, since it took me a while to figure out where the $1 came from:


The regex both checks for the existence of unwanted .html requests and effectively sanitizes the URI so that it does not include the extension. Then, using a simple return statement, the request is redirected to the sanitized URI that is now stored in $1.

正如原始作者 cnst 所解释的,关于这一点的最好的部分是

The best part about this, as original author cnst explains, is that

与对任何 .html请求(包括对/index.html的不可见内部重定向)进行的重写不同,此解决方案仅对用户可见的外部URI起作用.

Unlike the rewrites, which operate on any .html request (including the invisible internal redirect to /index.html), this solution only operates on external URIs that are visible to the user.


You will still need the try_files directive, as otherwise Nginx will have no idea what to do with the newly sanitized extension-less URIs. The try_files directive shown above will first try the new URL by itself, then try it with the ".html" extension, then try it as a directory name.


The Nginx docs also explain how the default try_files directive works. The default try_files directive is ordered differently than the example above so the explanation below does not perfectly line up:



UPDATE: What does the regex do?

The above answer touches on the use of regular expressions, but here is a more specific explanation for those who are still curious. The following regular expression (regex) is used:





/: match the character "/" literally. Forward slashes do NOT need to be escaped in Nginx.


(.*): capturing group: match any character an unlimited number of times


\.: match the character "." literally. This must be escaped with a backslash.


html: match the string "html" literally.


捕获组(.*)是包含URL的非".html"部分的内容.以后可以用变量$1引用它.然后将Nginx配置为重试请求(return 302 /$1;),并且try_files指令在内部重新添加".html"扩展名,以便可以定位文件.

The capturing group (.*) is what contains the non-".html" portion of the URL. This can later be referenced with the variable $1. Nginx is then configured to re-try the request (return 302 /$1;) and the try_files directive internally re-appends the ".html" extension so the file can be located.


To retain query strings and arguments passed to a .html page, the return statement can be changed to:

return 302 /$1?$args;


This should allow requests such as /index.html?test to redirect to /index?test instead of just /index.


From the Nginx page If Is Evil:





Also, note that you may swap out the '302' redirect for a '301'.

A 301 redirect is permanent, and is cached by web browsers and search engines. If your goal is to permanently remove the .html extension from pages that are already indexed by a search engine, you will want to use a 301 redirect. However, if you are testing on a live site, it is best practice to start with a 302 and only move to a 301 when you are absolutely confident your configuration is working correctly.


08-14 19:15