非常感谢我将使用和。假设你只需要附加这些文件(而不是对它们做任何真正的工作),我会做一些类似的事情:打开一个文件写入与 xlwt
import xlwt
import xlrd
wkbk = xlwt.Workbook ()
outsheet = wkbk.add_sheet('Sheet1')
xlsfiles = [r'C:\foo.xlsx',r'C:\bar.xlsx',r 'C:\baz.xlsx']
outrow_idx = 0
insheet = xlrd.open_workbook(f).sheets()[0] xrange(insheet.nrows)中row_idx的
outrow_idx + = 1
firstfile = True#这是第一张?
for x in xlsfiles:
insheet = xlrd.open_workbook(f).sheets()[0]
for row_idx in xrange(0 if firstfile else 1,insheet.nrows):
pass#processing; etc
firstfile = False#我们完成了第一张表。
Hello I would like to concatenate three excels files xlsx using python.
I have tried using openpyxl, but I don't know which function could help me to append three worksheet into one.
Do you have any ideas how to do that ?
Thanks a lot
I'd use xlrd and xlwt. Assuming you literally just need to append these files (rather than doing any real work on them), I'd do something like: Open up a file to write to with xlwt
, and then for each of your other three files, loop over the data and add each row to the output file. To get you started:
import xlwt
import xlrd
wkbk = xlwt.Workbook()
outsheet = wkbk.add_sheet('Sheet1')
xlsfiles = [r'C:\foo.xlsx', r'C:\bar.xlsx', r'C:\baz.xlsx']
outrow_idx = 0
for f in xlsfiles:
# This is all untested; essentially just pseudocode for concept!
insheet = xlrd.open_workbook(f).sheets()[0]
for row_idx in xrange(insheet.nrows):
for col_idx in xrange(insheet.ncols):
outsheet.write(outrow_idx, col_idx,
insheet.cell_value(row_idx, col_idx))
outrow_idx += 1
If your files all have a header line, you probably don't want to repeat that, so you could modify the code above to look more like this:
firstfile = True # Is this the first sheet?
for f in xlsfiles:
insheet = xlrd.open_workbook(f).sheets()[0]
for row_idx in xrange(0 if firstfile else 1, insheet.nrows):
pass # processing; etc
firstfile = False # We're done with the first sheet.