

如何摆脱Windows 无法验证此驱动程序软件的发布者"窗口?策略设置不起作用.

How to get rid of the "Windows can't verify the publisher of this driver software" window? Policy setting didn't work.

我尝试了以下建议的解决方案,但都没有奏效.我正在使用 C# 语言进行驱动程序验证测试自动化,我希望在安装/卸载驱动程序时避免用户交互.你能帮我摆脱安全警告吗?

I have tried the following suggested solutions however neither one has worked. I am working on Driver Validation test automation using C# language and I would like to avoid the user interaction while installing/uninstalling drivers. Could you please help me getting rid above security warning?


Two ways I have tried which did not work:


  1. 使用以管理员身份运行"打开命令行并执行以下命令:
    bcdedit.exe -set 加载选项 DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKSbcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

  1. open the command line with "Run as Administrator" and excute the following commands:
    bcdedit.exe -set load options DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKSbcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON



  1. 打开gpedit.msc
  2. 展开用户配置>管理模板>系统>驱动程序安装
  3. 在右侧面板中,双击设备驱动程序的代码签名".
  4. 在出现的窗口中选择启用".在底层选项中,选择忽略".这会禁用在 Windows 7 中签名的驱动程序,现在您可以在 Windows 7 中安装未签名的驱动程序.
  5. 点击应用,确定.重新启动计算机以安装未签名的驱动程序.


The solutions provided by the tech expert members didn't solve my problem. Can anybody provide a working solution? I would be highly appreciate it.


我正在阅读有关此问题的信息.请参考 Gizmo001 回答 社交技术论坛.

I was reading about this issue. Please refer Gizmo001 answer on social technet forum.

1. 手动安装一次软件,确认使用未签名的驱动程序
3. 转到 %windir%system32catroot{any ID}OEM??.CAT(4. 在下一个窗口中单击显示证书"
5. 在下一个窗口中打开详细信息"选项卡并单击保存到文件..."
6. 收集此/所有证书
7. 部署这些证书
7.1 在设置之前使用certutil.exe -f -addstoreTrustedPublisher"MYFILE.cer"的批处理/cmd 脚本
7.2 或按组策略(计算机策略Windows安全公钥策略在此处添加您的文件)
8. 以您想要的方式运行您的设置

Import the certificates prior to install
Follow these steps:
1. install the software once manually by confirming that the unsigned drivers shall be used
2. go to %windir%inf and search for the latest OEM??.INF file; open it (notepad) and verify by its contents that this is the driver you wish to install automatically next time
3. go to %windir%system32catroot{any ID}OEM??.CAT (<- same number as in step 2); right click on this file, select properties, go to "Digital Signatures" tab, mark the certificate, click on details
4. on the next window click "Show Certificate"
5. on the next window open the "Details" tab and click "Save to File..."
6. collect this/all certificates
7. deploy these certificates
7.1 either in a batch /cmd script using "certutil.exe -f -addstore "TrustedPublisher" "MYFILE.cer" prior to setup
7.2 or by Group Policies (computer Policies Windows Security Public Key Policies add your files here )
8. run your setup just the way you wanted


07-29 15:57