I have a web application with Apache and PHP on the back end. I am in the process of enhancing this with many new features and considering using node.js for the new work.
First of all, can PHP and node.js co exist on the same machine? I do not see why not.Second, can I just call node.js code directly from Javascript and return JSON back?
是的,是的. Node和Apache/PHP可以共存于单个服务器上.
Yes, and yes. Node and Apache / PHP can co-exist on a single server.
The only issue you are likely to run into is that they cannot both listen on the same port. HTTP, by default, runs on port 80 and only one process can "listen" on a single port at any one time. You may therefore have to run the Node app on a different port (for example, 8080), which could bring in difficulties if any of your target users are restricted to only port 80.