I have two maven projects in eclipse, a jar and a war. The war has a dependency on the jar, which is resolved through workspace resolution.
The problem is that the jar has generated classes, which are added to the jar through build-helper-maven-plugin. But these classes aren't being properly resolved in the war project. For example: It auto-completes the class but keeps saying it can't be found. More importantly, when running glassfish through eclipse, I get a class not found for these classes.
If I disable workspace resolution everything works fine, but I hope to use workspace resolution. Any ideas?
文件夹结构.下部图像中的Maven工作区已解决的持久性项目位于Maven Dependencies文件夹中,从本质上讲,您可以看到该文件夹的顶部和底部.
Folder structure. The maven workspace resolved persistence project in the lower image is in the Maven Dependencies folder, essentially your seeing the top and bottom of the folder.
IDK if I am correct, but you are talking about Eclipse problems - it does not "see" generated classes right?
To fix it, you have to add generated sources directory to the eclipse's build path and it should fix your problem.
- 右键单击已生成类-> buildPath-> conf的项目构建路径
- 在源"选项卡中-单击添加文件夹"
- 选择构建助手生成Java文件的目录.
- Right click on project that has generated classes->buildPath->confbuildpath
- In source tab - click add folder
- Select the directory where build helper generates java files.
Generated classes will apear as additional source folder in Eclipse's project hierarchy and voila, Eclipse can autocomplete and resolve generated classes now on the same conditionstha any it would on any other class written by you in the same project by hand.
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