

我想知道是否有无论如何,我们可以做到这一点。我听说了Silverlight 4中不同的东西,Java脚本或Active X控件,但没有看到code中的任何演示的任何人。

I am wondering if there is anyway we can achieve this. I heard different things about Silverlight 4 , Java Script or Active X control but not seen any demo of code for any of them.


Does anyone know any web component that is available or how to write one.


We really like capture client's USB drive via Web and read/write data on it. This has to work for ANY Operating system in Any web browser.



What about WPF in browser mode...I read that I can host my wpf apps inside browser and sort of like smart client.

下面是通过Silverlight 4中,但笔者这样做的一个很好的例子,提到了关于通过

Here is a great example of doing this via silverlight 4 but author mentions about possibility of accessing USB on MAC via


1) Enable executing AppleScripts. This option will let us have the same amount of control on a mac machine as we do on a windows machine.

此选项会工作得非常好了办公自动化。对于任何其他操作系统功能,你必须code OS访问两次。

2) Add an overload to ComAutomationFactory.CreateObject() that calls the "Tell Application" command under the scenes and gets a AppleScript object. This option would work extremely well for Office automation. For any other operating system feature, you’ll have to code OS access twice. 


I did not quite understand it. Has any tried this ?



If you're willing to introduce a dependency on Flash (10), you can use the FileReference class to get access to one file at a time, first for reading using the browse method, then for writing using the save method.


Note that for security reasons, each call to these methods must be triggered as a result of user input (e.g. clicking a button), and each time they are called an OS-specific File Open/Save As dialog box is displayed.


There's a video tutorial which gives some sample code for editing a text file (load + save) directly in Flash, without needing any server-side help. It should be enough to get you started in the right direction.


11-01 15:45