我想: 解决方案1 :但正在改变用户的屏幕resution到位调整形式
昏暗DesignScreenWidth作为整数= 1600
昏暗DesignScreenHeight作为整数= 1200
昏暗CurrentScreenWidth作为整数= Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width
昏暗CurrentScreenHeight作为整数= Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height
昏暗RatioX为Double = CurrentScreenWidth / DesignScreenWidth
昏暗RatioY为Double = CurrentScreenHeight / DesignScreenHeight
如果(.GetType.GetProperty(宽度)。的CanRead)然后.WIDTH = CINT(.WIDTH * RatioX)
如果(.GetType.GetProperty(高)。的CanRead)然后.Height = CINT(.Height * RatioY)
如果(.GetType.GetProperty(顶部)。的CanRead)然后.TOP = CINT(.TOP * RatioX)
如果(.GetType.GetProperty(左)。的CanRead)然后。左= CINT(。左* RatioY)
I searched on the forums, and I tried a few things... but they didn't really seem to work. Let me lay out my problem.
I have a very high screen resolution on my laptop: 1400x1050. I'm designing my app on this.
My colleague tried it out on his laptop (which had lesser resolution), and the application did not fit on his laptop. The buttons were dragging out of the screen space.
So, I want my application to automatically resize/adjust based upon the screen resolution.I found some similar forums, and I tried a few things suggested by developers, but that did not really work out for me.
I tried : Solution 1 : But is changing user's screen resution in place of adjusting form .
I don't want to use Maximized screen option and don't want to change user's pc settings.Unfortunatly I am not using Table Layout panel.
Please suggest me a simple solution.
OK, this is just about as simple as it gets. Just iterate through the VB controls and adjust their sizes based on the ratio of the new screen resolution to your design screen resolution. i.e., something like:
Dim DesignScreenWidth As Integer = 1600
Dim DesignScreenHeight As Integer = 1200
Dim CurrentScreenWidth As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width
Dim CurrentScreenHeight As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height
Dim RatioX as Double = CurrentScreenWidth / DesignScreenWidth
Dim RatioY as Double = CurrentScreenHeight / DesignScreenHeight
For Each iControl In Me.Controls
With iControl
If (.GetType.GetProperty("Width").CanRead) Then .Width = CInt(.Width * RatioX)
If (.GetType.GetProperty("Height").CanRead) Then .Height = CInt(.Height * RatioY)
If (.GetType.GetProperty("Top").CanRead) Then .Top = CInt(.Top * RatioX)
If (.GetType.GetProperty("Left").CanRead) Then .Left = CInt(.Left * RatioY)
End With
NOTE that I'm using reflection to see if each control has the properties we need to adjust. The way I'm doing it is clean but uses "late binding" and requires Option Strict Off. Tested and approved.