In below progress bar I have assigned style to "BorderBrsuh" and "Foreground", now this is in XAML I want to assign same things but with "C# code" so how to do that?????
<ProgressBar Background="White" BorderBrush="{StaticResource BackgroundNormal}" Canvas.Left="1" Canvas.Top="29" Foreground="{StaticResource BackgroundNormal}" Height="21" LargeChange="1" MaxWidth="Infinity" Maximum="100" Minimum="0" Name="pgBurnStatus" SmallChange="0.1" Width="279" ToolTip="Burn process progress" />
Anyways, You could do like this
Style setProgressBarStyle(ProgressBar control, string Name)
Style style = new Style();
style.TargetType = control.GetType();
Setter s9 = new Setter(ProgressBar.NameProperty, Name);
Setter s1 = new Setter(ProgressBar.BorderBrushProperty, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black));
Setter s2 = new Setter(ProgressBar.BackgroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White));
Setter s3 = new Setter(ProgressBar.HeightProperty, 21);
Setter s8 = new Setter(ProgressBar.WidthProperty, 279);
Setter s4 = new Setter(ProgressBar.ToolTipProperty, "Burn process Progress");
Setter s5 = new Setter(ProgressBar.MaximumProperty, 100);
Setter s6 = new Setter(ProgressBar.MinimumProperty, 0);
Setter s7 = new Setter(ProgressBar.SmallChangeProperty, 0.1);
return style;