


I am trying to learn how to calculate the XYZ coordinates of a point using the XYZ coordinates of an origin point, a horizontal and vertical angle, and 3d distance. I can make the calculations simply by projecting the points onto 2D planes, but is there a more straightforward way to do this in 3D?


I am trying to understand how a surveying total station calculates new point locations based on it's measured location, the 3d (slope) distance that it measures to a new point, and the measured horizontal and vertical angles that sight onto the new point location.




就在上约定注: 2D极协调经常使用(半径,THETA),其中 THETA 是水平或方位角度。它的范围从: THETA = 0 ,二维点(X,Y)=(半径,0)的X轴,以 THETA = 2.PI XY平面 - 反时针方向 THETA 增大。我们的问题混淆...

Just a note on conventions: 2D polar coordinates often use (radius, theta), where theta is the 'horizontal' or 'azimuth' angle. It ranges from: theta=0, the 2D point (x,y) = (radius,0) on the X-axis, to: theta=2.PI on the XY plane - an anti-clockwise direction as theta increases. Now to confuse matters...

三维球面坐标(保持右手坐标系)经常使用的坐标:(半径,THETA,PHI)。在这种情况下, THETA 用于垂直或天顶的角度,从 THETA = 0 ( Z轴),以 THETA = PI (在-Z轴)。 用于方位角。

3D spherical coordinates (maintaining a right-handed coordinate system) often use coordinates: (radius, theta, phi). In this case, theta is used for the 'vertical' or 'zenith' angle, ranging from theta=0 (the Z axis) to theta=PI (the -Z axis). phi is used for the azimuth angle.

其他文本将使用不同的约定 - 但这似乎是由物理学家和(部分)数学文本的青睐。 要紧的是,你选择一个会议并一致使用的。

Other texts will use different conventions - but this seems to be favoured by physicists and (some) mathematics texts. What matters is that you pick a convention and use it consistently.


半径 的:距离点。给定一个点(X,Y,Z)直角坐标系中,我们有(勾股定理)半径: R =开方(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z),例如, 0℃=半径LT; +无限

radius: distance to the point. given an point (x,y,z) in cartesian coordinates, we have the (pythagorean) radius: r = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z), e.g., 0 <= radius < +infinity

THETA 的:天顶角,其中 THETA = 0 的正上方(在+ Z轴),而 THETA = PI 的正下方(该-Z轴)和 THETA =π/ 2 是什么你会考虑0度的海拔,例如,
0℃= THETA&LT; = PI

theta: the zenith angle, where theta=0 is directly above (the +Z axis), and theta=PI is directly below (the -Z axis), and theta=PI/2 is what you would consider an 'elevation' of 0 degrees, e.g.,
0 <= theta <= PI

的:方位角,其中披= 0 是对' ,并作为你打开(+ X轴),逆时针,披=π/ 2 (+ Y轴),披=权PI (在-X轴),披= 3.PI / 2 (在-Y轴)和披= 2.PI - 相当于披= 0 (回+ X轴)。例如, 0℃=披&LT; 2.PI

phi: the azimuth angle, where phi=0 is to the 'right' (the +X axis), and as you turn 'anticlockwise', phi=PI/2 (the +Y axis), phi=PI (the -X axis), phi=3.PI/2 (the -Y axis), and phi=2.PI - equivalent to the phi=0 (back to the +X axis). e.g., 0 <= phi < 2.PI


Pseudo-code: (standard math library trigonometric functions)


Y =半径* SIN(THETA)*罪(PHI);
Z =半径* COS(PHI);

x = radius * sin(theta) * cos(phi);
y = radius * sin(theta) * sin(phi);
z = radius * cos(phi);


Conversely, you can find a (radius, theta, phi) from (x,y,z) :

半径=开方(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z);
THETA = ACOS(Z /半径);
披= ATAN2(Y,X);

radius = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
theta = acos(z / radius);
phi = atan2(y, x);

请注意:使用是很重要的 ATAN2 在最后的方程,的没有反正切

Note: it is important to use atan2 in the final equation, not atan!


09-14 12:27