


I'm having a bit of a mind blank on this at the moment.I've got a problem where I need to calculate the position of points around a central point, assuming they're all equidistant from the center and from each other.

点的数量是可变的所以它是DrawCirclePoints(int x)我确定有一个简单的解决方案,但对于我的生活,我就是看不到它:)

The number of points is variable so it's DrawCirclePoints(int x)I'm sure there's a simple solution, but for the life of me, I just can't see it :)


圆心为 (x0,y0) 半径为 r 的圆上角为 theta 的点code> 是 (x0 + r cos theta, y0 + r sin theta).现在选择 theta 值在 0 和 2pi 之间均匀分布.

A point at angle theta on the circle whose centre is (x0,y0) and whose radius is r is (x0 + r cos theta, y0 + r sin theta). Now choose theta values evenly spaced between 0 and 2pi.


09-14 00:48