

让我们说我的应用只能用英语运行。但我不想每次添加新语言时都发布新版本。我的建议是将这个 localizable.strings 文件远程加载到我的应用程序中。

Lets say my app only runs in English. But I do not want to release a new version for every time I add a new language. My proposal is to load this localizable.strings file remotely into my app.


My app has facility to load files from ftp sites.


Do you guys think is possible to load languages this way? Or does the App has to compile the language file at compile time?


所有本地化的字符串资源(以及许多其他类型的资源) )从束中提取。通常,应用程序使用主捆绑,这是由XCode与您的应用程序一起创建的。

All localized string resources (plus many other kind of resources) are extracted from the bundle. Usually an app uses the "main bundle" which is the one that is created by XCode together with your app.But you can create separately any other bundle, provided you make it with the correct structure, then you can download it in your app and finally extract a localized string using the NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle() function.


So let's say you extract for a key "KEY" the language translation, then the normal syntax would be:

NSString *translated = NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"key",nil,nil);


but there is a variant of this option that allows you to specify the bundle:

NSString *translated = NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"key",nil,myBundle,nil);

在标准情况下,您将 myBundle 替换为 [NSBundle mainBundle] 但是如果你想使用另一个套装,你可以用这种方式指定它:

In the standard case you replace myBundle with [NSBundle mainBundle] but if you want to use another bundle you can specify it in this way:

NSString *myBundlePath = "the path to the downloaded bundle";
NSBundle *myBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:myBundlePath];
NSString *translated = NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"key",nil,myBundle,nil);


The full structure of a bundle can be seen in the "Bundle Programming Guide" in the Apple docs, but in your case you can simply create in this way:

  • 在你的Mac中创建一个目录,并称之为MyBundle

  • 在这个目录中移动你的本地化字符串(如果你在bundle中有多种语言,那么localizable.strings文件将在lproj目录中:en.lproj,it.lproj,fr。 lproj,...)

  • 然后将目录重命名为MyBundle.bundle


You will notice with the last operation that now this object is seen as a standalone object but in fact it is a directory.

现在你可以决定拥有一个多包接近或遵循单捆绑技术:在后一种情况下,您可以打包所有语言,然后使用自动系统本地化规则使用唯一更新的捆绑包进行语言转换;在另一种情况下,您可以为每种语言创建一个包,然后 - 根据当前选择的语言 - 加载相应的包并为您的翻译选择它。

Now you can decide to have a multiple-bundle approach or follow a single-bundle technique: in the latter case you can package all the languages and then use the unique updated bundle for language translation by using the automatic system localization rules; in the other case you can make a bundle for each language and then - based on the currently selected language - load the appropriate bundle and choose it for your translations.


09-02 08:28