

我已经实现了一个简单的Andr​​oid 服务,默认情况下,在同一个进程,我的应用程序/ APK中部署。我想要的服务,每个活动同时运行。要做到这一点,在每个 Activity.onStart() Activity.onStop()的实施,我有逻辑调用 Activity.bindService() Activity.unbindService(),分别为。

I have implemented a simple Android Service that, by default, is deployed within the same process as my app / apk. I want the Service running concurrently with each Activity. To make that happen, in each Activity.onStart() and Activity.onStop() implementation, I have logic that invokes Activity.bindService() and Activity.unbindService(), respectively.

好吧,这一切工作正常,但感觉很尴尬。是否有任何其他的方式来确保服务是无需连续运行并绑定到活动重新调用 Activity.bindService() Activity.unbindService()每个活动?如果服务在这种情况下被宣布为一个独立的进程?

Well, all of this works fine, but it feels awkward. Is there any other way to make sure the Service is continuously running and bound to all Activities without having to re-invoke Activity.bindService() and Activity.unbindService() for each Activity? Should the Service in this case be declared as a stand-alone process?

另外,我的服务启动一个单独的线程,但从来没有停止。如果我的code停止线程?有机会的线程可能会被孤立?启动/停止螺纹 OnUnbind / OnRebind 似乎有点小题大做。

Also, my Service starts a separate thread, but never stops it. Should my code stop the thread? Is there a chance the thread could be orphaned? Starting / stopping the thread with OnUnbind / OnRebind seems like overkill.


创建基础活动并调用 bindService 在onStart unbindService 的onStop

Create a base Activity and call bindService in onStart, unbindService in onStop.

public class BaseActivity extends Activity {

    public void onStart() {
        // ...
        bindService(intent, serviceConnection, flags);

    public void onStop() {
        // ....


This will make sure every activity that extends base is bound to the service.

在最后一项活动是从服务绑定,这将被停止。如果你想避免这种情况,叫 startService ,然后再绑定到它。这将从停止,即使你没有运行的活动prevent服务。

When last activity is unbound from the service, it will be stopped. If you want to avoid that, call startService first, and then bind to it. This will prevent service from stopping even if you don't have running activities.



In your case, you don't need a separate process for your service.



If you want to stop your service, you should stop your thread because thread is a GC root, and all objects accessible from it will remain in memory. So, infinite thread that is not used is a memory leak.

您可以根据您的要求执行的线程不同的方式。您可以实现在常规线程你的服务的ThreadPoolExecutor 处理程序。选择适合您需求的解决方案。

You can implement threading different ways depending on your requirements. You can either implement a regular thread in your Service, or a ThreadPoolExecutor or a Handler. Pick a solution that fits to your needs.


05-28 01:26